www-style@w3.org from October 1997 by subject

Absolute positions: a quick question

Base Stylesheet for HTML 4.0

Base Stylesheet for HTML 4.0 under Netscape 4.03/X11

CSS1 and tables

CSS1 and tables (fwd)

Current Downloadable Font Status....

Different display border-left-width in NN4 en MSIE4

FYI: IE 4.0 and CSS comments

How to get around the lack of a LAYER tag?

HTML 4.0 Base Stylesheet revised

Increase Print Sales!

Increase Your Gas Mileage 30%+

Macromedia Dreamweaver supports CSS1, CSS-Positioning

Menu simulation with CSS1

New Intranet Writer with support for CSS Positioning

overlapping text

Programming a Web Page--- Tips!

Search for examples

Static positioned block to define origin for abs positioned c hildren?

Static positioned block to define origin for abs positioned children?

Tables and CSS (was: With CSS how does one ALIGN block-

Tables and CSS (was: With CSS how does one ALIGN block-leve

Tables and CSS (was: With CSS how does one ALIGN block-level elements?)

Those Seriously Looking for a Home Business!


When is an 'em' an 'em' ?

With CSS how does one ALIGN block-level elements?

With CSS how does one ALIGN block-level elements? (fwd)

Last message date: Thursday, 30 October 1997 17:31:46 UTC