Re: Tables and CSS (was: With CSS how does one ALIGN block-leve

>> align => CSS:align
> I believe 'text-align' works here..


>> valign => CSS:valign
> is taller than the height value the content would clip, either at
> the edge opposite the positioning edge or equally top and bottom
> when vertical-position is middle. The property would be inherited so
> it could be applied to a TABLE or ROW..

Why don't we do as was suggested for centering an entire table and do 
vertical align using margin-top and margin-bottom, where center would 

margin-top: auto
margin-bottom: auto 

> Frame and border are interrelated. Rules are borders on TH and TD.
> Neither IE nor N fully support these attributes. In IE, cellspacing
> is lost where cells abut without rules..

We don't need a perfect translation though, only one that will 
accomodate all combinations, which I think changing the borders on 
TD's and TH's would do for FRAME and BORDER from the table.
> (BTW, 'VOID' as a value?!! Why not 'none'? What perversity prompts
> such an incomprehensible deviation from accepted terminology? Surely
> this crept into the spec through simple oversight, not spine-void
> lackeyism.)

I was kind of hoping using VOID would create a VOID that sucks the 
current browser into it and erases it from the system... no such luck 
> Anyway, the question of how the CSS model can accommodate a table
> remains unanswered. Will there be a property for subdividing block
> elements? A new display type with a slew of new type-specific
> properties?

I think this is still related to the content-model flow of CSS, which 
is specifcally top-down.  It appears as though Table cells have an 
entirely different flow to them which cannot be accomodated in CSS.  
I don't think the actual properties can't accomodate the table if 
the flow problem was solved.
| Mortar: Advanced Web Development <>
| Neil St.Laurent
| Big Picture Multimedia

Received on Wednesday, 22 October 1997 10:58:15 UTC