Construction of the request IRI using the http location
[Interop] Invalid URI in MessageTest-1G/SOAPService.wsdl
[SPAM] Turning off http transfer coding
agenda+ WSDL 1.1 Element Identifiers
- Arthur Ryman (Monday, 27 November)
- David Orchard (Friday, 24 November)
- Arthur Ryman (Friday, 24 November)
- David Orchard (Friday, 24 November)
- David Orchard (Friday, 24 November)
- Arthur Ryman (Friday, 24 November)
- Arthur Ryman (Friday, 24 November)
- David Orchard (Friday, 24 November)
- Arthur Ryman (Thursday, 23 November)
- Jean-Jacques Moreau (Friday, 17 November)
- Philippe Le Hegaret (Friday, 17 November)
- Rogers, Tony (Friday, 17 November)
- Rogers, Tony (Thursday, 16 November)
- Philippe Le Hegaret (Thursday, 16 November)
Agenda: 30 November2006 WS Description telcon
Ambiguity in Part regarding built-in XML Schema types
Assertion SOAPBinding-2503001
Assertions that are not assertions
Cloned Echo-2G into Echo-2B
cr82: [Fwd: RE: Header blocks in wrpc:signature]
Do MessageLabel-0006 and MessageLabel-0014 state the same requirement?
Duplicate assertions
Error in Baseline Documents: Missing xml:id on SoapModuleComponent
Error in desc\test-suite\documents\good\MessageTest-3G\HTTPservice.wsdl
F&P Primer work done.
Generic proposal for enganging MTOM in WSDL 2.0
HTTP Location property definition
initial work on additional meps document
Interop Event highlights
Logging fix progress
Mapping WSDL MEPs to SOAP MEPs
Mapping WSDL meps to the HTTP binding
Minutes, 30 Nov 2006 WS Description WG telcon
Missing attribute in section 6.2
More additions and updates for the test-suite
More Duplicate and Non-Assertions
More test suite updates for part 1
MTOM Policy Assertion spec from Microsoft
New interchange results
One more duplicate assertion
Part 2 - {element declaration} property for SOAP Header Block component
Please review test bad/InterfaceOperation-2B
Removal for feature and property assertions from the report
Requested enhancement to assertion coverage report
Semantics of {http cookies} Property.
SOAP Fault code issue
SOAP Response and IRI style
SOAP Response query string issue
Suggested editorial change for assertion Import-0072
Suggested removal of 2 assertions
Test suite additions
Test suite coverage report shows error
Test suite work
Two oddities with WSDL dashboard in FireFox
Upcoming "last call" for WS-Policy
W3C Spec and Test Suite Updates
W3C WS-Policy 1.5 Last Call review by W3C Web Services Description WG
W3C WSDL 2.0 Test Suite Cleanup
WS-I Test Tools
WSDL 2.0 Fault Binding
WSDL 2.0 Fault Binding [Plus two Questions]
WSDL 2.0 interop event - John Kaputin
WSDL 2.0 Message Interop Results Between Canon and WSO2
Last message date: Thursday, 30 November 2006 22:20:18 UTC