Ambiguity in Part regarding built-in XML Schema types

Part 1 seems to be ambiguous about which data types from the XML Schema
namespace are automatically available in the component model, without the
need to import the XML Schema namespace.

Part 1 Section 3.1 says:
"A WSDL 2.0 document that refers to any element declaration or type
definition component of the XML Schema namespace, except the built-in simple
types, MUST import"

Part 1 Table 2-1 says of {type definitions}:
"In addition, the built-in datatypes defined by XML Schema ... namely the
nineteen primitive datatypes .... and the twenty-five derived datatypes".

Table 2-1 uses the terms "primitive" and "derived" which are consistent with
the Built-in datatypes section in XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes at [1] and
the table implies that 44 built-in XML Schema datatypes (19 primitive plus
25 derived) are available in {type definitions} without requiring an import
of the XML Schema namespace.

Section 3.1 uses the term "built-in simple types" which is inconsistent with
Table 2-1 and is not mentioned under Built-in datatypes at [1]. I'm not sure
if "simple" means "primitive" only or "primitive" and "derived" so it's not
clear whether this section implies that 19 or 44 built-in XML Schema types
are automatically available in {type definitions}.

Can the working group please comment on this.


John Kaputin.

Received on Thursday, 2 November 2006 18:21:41 UTC