Re: Construction of the request IRI using the http location

To be complete on this subject, it was discussed during the June 29
teleconference [1], in relation to issue cr53. Following the direction
of the WG, I wrote a proposal at that got
accepted (with minor modifications from Arthur) but didn't get into the


On Wed, 2006-11-22 at 16:51 +0100, Youenn Fablet wrote:
> Following on philippe's message, there are also ambiguous cases that 
> might happen.
> Given this schema:
> <element name=root>
>     <sequence>
>         <element name=person type=string minOccurs=0/>
>         <element name=address type=string minOccurs=0/>
>         <element name=surname type=string minOccurs=0/>
>     </sequence>
> </element>
> Given this instance data:
> <root>
>     <person>foo</person>
>     <address>/</address>
>     <surname>foo</surname>
> </root>
> with http:location="foo/{person}/{address}/{surname}
> we will obtain foo/foo///foo, which leads to ambiguous parsing on the 
> server side (as address='' and surname='/foo' will also lead to the same 
> uri-encoded data).
> Should we prevent this case and escape the '/' character in url path 
> encoded data?
> There is also the case of the '?' special character that may lead to 
> issues in determining when begins the query string.
> Should we prevent this case and escape the '?' character in url path 
> encoded data?


Received on Wednesday, 22 November 2006 16:02:12 UTC