Arthur Ryman wrote:
> Eran,
> I spoke with David Lauzon who is responsible for the WS-I tools. He
> can fix the Eclipse version this week. I'll see if the command line
> version can be configured with a config file.
> Please remind me what the problem was when using the command line
> tool? How can I test the "fix"? Thx.
The problem we faced was strange. We were testing ComplexSOAPBinding in
Message1G-Test. It contained 8 operations (14 messages). Jonathan later
moved the SOAP-Response operation to Message4G-Test, IIRC.
Problem in the CL version : When there is an operation of SOAP-Response
MEP, then the command line tool was not logging the messages. It was
capturing the messages, but was not logging. I assume it is not logging
messages with no body.
Problem in the Eclipse version : This was not logging GET requests at all.
-- Chinthaka