"The Emperor's New Security Indicators"
.safe TLD idea from ICANN
[fwd] Re: Shared Public Knowledge (from: dan.schutzer@fstc.org)
[Soups-announce] Call for SOUPS posters and discussion sessions
ACTION 181: Summary of EV certificate discussion, prototype recommendation
- Hallam-Baker, Phillip (Wednesday, 25 April)
- michael.mccormick@wellsfargo.com (Wednesday, 25 April)
- Mary Ellen Zurko (Wednesday, 25 April)
- Hallam-Baker, Phillip (Wednesday, 25 April)
- michael.mccormick@wellsfargo.com (Wednesday, 25 April)
- Hallam-Baker, Phillip (Wednesday, 25 April)
- michael.mccormick@wellsfargo.com (Wednesday, 25 April)
- Hallam-Baker, Phillip (Wednesday, 25 April)
Action item concerning mixed content / "what is a secure page"
Action item summary 2007-04-04
Action item summary 2007-04-11
ACTION-106 Propose clarifying language for 8.2.5
ACTION-149: FSTC's list of authentication techniques (BMA taxonomy)
ACTION-150 Propose text do drill down on possible classes of conforming implementations -- more concrete than note, more abstract than products
ACTION-154 OPEN Track HTTP Auth related extensions Bill Doyle 2007-03-20
ACTION-154 Track HTTP Auth related extensions Bill Doyle 2007-03-20
ACTION-156: List of privacy and security indicators
ACTION-172 OPEN Map threat trees to use case dimensions Stuart Schechter 2007-04-04
ACTION-175 - Summarize robustness practices for Firefox
ACTION-182 - SSL error anti patterns
ACTION-188 summarize robustness practices in terms of limitations on sites' freedom
ACTION-188 summarize robustness practices in terms of limitations on sites\\\\\\\\' freedom
ACTION-189: Cabfourm X.509v3/ PKIX guidelines
ACTION-194 refine UrlRecommendation
agenda item for this week? (Re: Action item concerning mixed content / "what is a secure page")
Agenda, Wednesay, 11 April, WSC Call
Agenda, Wednesay, 18 April, WSC Call
Agenda, Wednesay, 2 May, WSC Call
Agenda, Wednesay, 25 April, WSC Call
Agenda, WEDNESDAY, 4 April, WSC Call
Available security information section clarification
- Thomas Roessler (Wednesday, 11 April)
- Close, Tyler J. (Tuesday, 10 April)
- Close, Tyler J. (Tuesday, 10 April)
- Mary Ellen Zurko (Monday, 9 April)
- Serge Egelman (Monday, 9 April)
- Thomas Roessler (Sunday, 8 April)
- Mary Ellen Zurko (Friday, 6 April)
- Close, Tyler J. (Thursday, 5 April)
baked Note edits
Cabfourm X.509v3/ PKIX guidelines
Comment on Note
comments about note
Comments about the note
Comments on Note
comments on use-cases
Comments RE: The Working draft
Comments RE: The Working draft - section 42.
Comments RE: The Working draft - section 6.2
Comments RE: The Working draft - section 6.5
Comments RE: The Working draft - Section 7
DNSSEC indicator
- michael.mccormick@wellsfargo.com (Monday, 30 April)
- Mary Ellen Zurko (Monday, 30 April)
- Stuart E. Schechter (Thursday, 26 April)
- Hallam-Baker, Phillip (Thursday, 26 April)
- Luis Barriga \(KI/EAB\) (Thursday, 26 April)
- Dan Schutzer (Thursday, 26 April)
- Dan Schutzer (Thursday, 26 April)
- Thomas Roessler (Thursday, 26 April)
- Stuart E. Schechter (Friday, 13 April)
- Stuart E. Schechter (Friday, 13 April)
- michael.mccormick@wellsfargo.com (Friday, 13 April)
- michael.mccormick@wellsfargo.com (Friday, 13 April)
- Stuart E. Schechter (Friday, 13 April)
- Dan Schutzer (Friday, 13 April)
- Stuart E. Schechter (Thursday, 12 April)
- Yngve Nysaeter Pettersen (Thursday, 12 April)
- michael.mccormick@wellsfargo.com (Thursday, 12 April)
Documenting status quo
Dublin workshop on web authoring
Editing process for Recommendations
Error handling proposal
Favicon anti-pattern
Firefox usability data on Location Bar
Futures area of our wiki
Introduction to group
ISSUE-12: User-agents - future proofing
ISSUE-14: Technologies that reduce risk
ISSUE-15 closing
ISSUE-18: Clarify audience of wsc-usecases
ISSUE-19: Arrangement and formatting of use cases
ISSUE-20 OPEN Potential additions to Available Security Information
ISSUE-22: Rephrase favicon text
ISSUE-23 OPEN Rephrase background on usable security in Process secion
ISSUE-24 OPEN [editorial] Add "known systemic flaws" to goals
ISSUE-25: Participants need to review wsc-usecases
ISSUE-26 OPEN "currently deployed security information"
ISSUE-26: \"currently deployed security information\"
ISSUE-27: [editorial?] techniques for content based detection
ISSUE-28: \"available security information\"
ISSUE-29 OPEN Define user agent in wsc-usecases
ISSUE-29: Define user agent in wsc-usecases
ISSUE-30 allow for remote opening of web browser
ISSUE-31 Correct scenarion 20 intended action
ISSUE-31: Correct scenarion 20 intended action
ISSUE-32: explain dynamic content better
ISSUE-33: Charter retains authority Review of Note
ISSUE-34: Formal studies don\'t cover disability access adequately, use experts too - (public comment)
ISSUE-35: information overload/underload -- no oneSizeFitsAll (public comment)
ISSUE-36: presentation norms -- no oneSizeFitsAll (from public comments)
ISSUE-37: qualify your interrupts (from public comments)
ISSUE-38: no safe haven in presentation space (from public comments)
ISSUE-39: cooperate with WAI-ARIA \'politeness\' (from public comments)
ISSUE-40: Drill-down access to all security information is not \'nice,\' it\'s required (by UAAG 1.0). (public comment)
ISSUE-41: limited guidance on presentation OK (public comment)
ISSUE-42: Re: 3.2 Non-HTTP Web interactions (public comment)
ISSUE-43: don\'t disable assistive technology (public comment)
ISSUE-44: beyond \'who\' (some day) (pubic comment)
ISSUE-45: full legal entity identification (is a must) (pubic comment)
ISSUE-46: define extension interface for content-scanning tools (public comment)
ISSUE-46: widely deployed baseline, yes; usage and presentation, yes (pubic comment)
ISSUE-47: define extension interface for content-scanning tools (public comment)
ISSUE-48: platform and browser security out of scope - NOT (public comment)
ISSUE-49: trust in browser password cache needs to be better justified (pubic comment)
ISSUE-50: present web security is not good enough; even \'though fixing that is out of scope for this deliverable (public comment)
ISSUE-51: distinguished Chrome is not the answer (public comment)
ISSUE-52: benchmarking success -- it\'s out there (public comment)
ISSUE-53: augment general usability wisdom because you are operating on a fringe (as is WAI) (Public Comnment)
ISSUE-54: user understanding is where it\'s at (pubic comment)
ISSUE-55: realism is not universal, nor does ordinariness befit exceptional communications (public comment)
ISSUE-56: habit is little help, here (public comment)
ISSUE-57: qualify your interrupts; communicate subliminally always and through the focus rarely (public comment)
ISSUE-58: simplicity is in the [diverse] world of the user (public comment)
ISSUE-59: challenge and recover are essential; one presentation fits all -NOT (pubic comment)
ISSUE-6 User Interface Issues for Constrained / Mobile Devices
ISSUE-60: reinvent Help and DoIt (public comment)
ISSUE-61: Know you don\'t know your users (public comment)
ISSUE-62: User-adjustable step size is part of Universal Design (public comment)
ISSUE-63: consistency is good where it fits; it doesn\'t always fit; so undergird your consistency with a model (public comment)
ISSUE-64: \'where\' is less universal than \'how\' for drill-down (public comment)
ISSUE-65: testing throughout evolution of product (pubic comment)
ISSUE-66: Suggested rewrite of last paragraph of 10.3
ISSUE-67: The introduction to the note should include a hyperlink to the charter.
ISSUE-68: Note summary, goals, and scope should more clearly focus on problem to be solved---impersonation
ISSUE-69: New goal--Reduce the number of scenarios in which users\' security depends upon authenticating sites
ISSUE-70: Scope should be defined in terms of concepts, not in terms of use cases
ISSUE-71: Change title of Section 7
ISSUE-72: Replace term \"Status Quo\" with something more specific
ISSUE-7: Mental models?
Lightening Recommendations
Look over background for any further recommendations
Meeting record: WSC WG weekly 2007-03-28
Meeting record: WSC WG weekly 2007-04-04
Meeting record: WSC WG weekly 2007-04-11
Meeting record: WSC WG weekly 2007-04-18
No Padlock OID
Note review point - Scoping non-UI recs
Proposed action item concerning robustness of user agent UIs
Proposed Recommendation: Identity indicator in chrome
Proposed Recommendation: Page Info Summary
Question re: Comments USE-Cases
- Close, Tyler J. (Tuesday, 10 April)
- Maritza Johnson (Wednesday, 4 April)
- Mike Beltzner (Wednesday, 4 April)
- Thomas Roessler (Wednesday, 4 April)
- Robert Yonaitis (Wednesday, 4 April)
- Thomas Roessler (Wednesday, 4 April)
- Bruno von Niman (Wednesday, 4 April)
- Dan Schutzer (Wednesday, 4 April)
- Thomas Roessler (Wednesday, 4 April)
- Mary Ellen Zurko (Wednesday, 4 April)
- Mary Ellen Zurko (Tuesday, 3 April)
- Robert Yonaitis (Tuesday, 3 April)
Rec Proposal: Separate in-browser editor for entry of Personally Identifiable Information (PII)
Recommendations for "Lightening Discussions" at next week's meeting
- michael.mccormick@wellsfargo.com (Tuesday, 17 April)
- Mary Ellen Zurko (Monday, 16 April)
- Mary Ellen Zurko (Wednesday, 4 April)
- Dan Schutzer (Wednesday, 4 April)
- Mary Ellen Zurko (Wednesday, 4 April)
- michael.mccormick@wellsfargo.com (Tuesday, 3 April)
- Thomas Roessler (Monday, 2 April)
- Mary Ellen Zurko (Monday, 2 April)
- Dan Schutzer (Monday, 2 April)
- michael.mccormick@wellsfargo.com (Monday, 2 April)
regrets for 11 April WSC call
regrets for 17 April call
Regrets for April 4, Call
Regrets... and editing
Regrets: 11 April, WSC Call
Regrets: Agenda, Wednesay, 25 April, WSC Call
review comments due April 4
Risky display-only use cases (ACTION-193)
Robustness practices -- pending (but closed) actions.
Rough proposal: Contextual Password Warnings
Rough rec proposal: revisiting past decisions
Safe Web Browsing Mode
Secure Internet Letterhead
shared knowledge authentication of web sites
Shared Public Knowledge
- Mary Ellen Zurko (Tuesday, 24 April)
- Bob Pinheiro (Wednesday, 18 April)
- Timothy Hahn (Wednesday, 18 April)
- Mary Ellen Zurko (Wednesday, 18 April)
- Timothy Hahn (Wednesday, 18 April)
- Chuck Wade (Saturday, 14 April)
- Stephen Farrell (Saturday, 14 April)
- michael.mccormick@wellsfargo.com (Saturday, 14 April)
- Mary Ellen Zurko (Friday, 13 April)
- Doyle, Bill (Friday, 13 April)
- michael.mccormick@wellsfargo.com (Thursday, 12 April)
- Chuck Wade (Thursday, 12 April)
- Mary Ellen Zurko (Thursday, 12 April)
- Chuck Wade (Thursday, 12 April)
- Stephen Farrell (Thursday, 12 April)
- Bob Pinheiro (Thursday, 12 April)
- Chuck Wade (Thursday, 12 April)
- Dan Schutzer (Thursday, 12 April)
- Stephen Farrell (Thursday, 12 April)
- michael.mccormick@wellsfargo.com (Wednesday, 11 April)
sitekey auth busted on BoA site
status of my action items -- some due date adjustments
Suggestions for note resulting from a conversation with mez
Summary of "What is a secure page?" discussion, first draft
Updating TrustMe wiki page based on telecon
Use Cases Again
What is a secure page?
wsc-usecases review
XSS out of scope
Last message date: Monday, 30 April 2007 20:15:39 UTC