ISSUE-36: presentation norms -- no oneSizeFitsAll (from public comments)

ISSUE-36: presentation norms -- no oneSizeFitsAll (from public comments)

Raised by: Bill Doyle
On product: All

>From public comments
raised by: Al Gilman

presentation norms -- no oneSizeFitsAll 
where it says, in 2.3 Consistent presentation of security information
   The Working Group will recommend a set of terms, indicators and
   metaphors for consistent presentation of security information to
   users, across all web user agents. For each of these items, the
   Working Group will describe the intended user interpretation, as
   well as safe actions the user may respond with in common use cases.
please consider
The desired user interpretation of decisions and evidence are fundamental; 
this belongs in the model.  It should not be limited to the 'normal mode' 
dialog that is in the projection of the full model that is discussed above.  
The presentation suggestions may be limited to the 'normal mode' projection.  
But what the user should understand if they drill down deeper or skim more 
lightly should be covered, not limited to the suggested summary dialog.  Yes, 
you want to introduce some terms and icons and the like whose consistent use 
will enhance recognition of security information when it crosses the user's 
bow.  But these are not the only prosodic tools that should be used to convey 
this role in the web-dialog scene or world-let.
In consideration of the diverse presentation and actuation bindings that are 
required so that people with disabilities are afforded access to information 
devices and services, realize that it is essential to define the intended 
interpretation, which is of broad applicability, and then under specified 
modality conditions indicate suggested representations.
Please consider
The IMS Global Learning Consortium has established a baseline of metadata for 
both content and personal preferences.  Even 'though there is still contention 
as to how single-sign-on should work, it is very broadly agreed that we need 
this.  Single-sign-on will give us a convenient way to manage the affordance 
of portable, personal preferences to qualifying sites.  Where these 
preferences are available, they should in particular be used up front to 
condition the presentation of any sign-on dialog.  Single-sign-on with the 
identity host brokering not only user authentication but presentation 
preferences is too important a user case for people with disabilities for this 
use case to be left out of your plans, even if single-sign-on is not yet 
pervasive in Web practice.

Received on Sunday, 15 April 2007 14:45:20 UTC