Fw: [Soups-announce] Call for SOUPS posters and discussion sessions

I'm thinking of proposing a discussion session on usable security/privacy 
and standards. There's a number of ways that discussion can go, from 
lessons learned (so far) from WSC (and perhaps P3P), the relationship of 
standards efforts in general to usable security/privacy (P3P fed into some 
pretty substantial usable privacy work), differences between security and 
privacy in this area, relationship of user testing to standards efforts, 
etc. Any reactions/feedback would be appreciated. And drop me a line if 
you'd like to be a co-proposer with me. 


Mary Ellen Zurko, STSM, IBM Lotus CTO Office       (t/l 333-6389)
Lotus/WPLC Security Strategy and Patent Innovation Architect

----- Forwarded by Mary Ellen Zurko/Westford/IBM on 04/27/2007 08:13 AM 

Lorrie Cranor <lorrie+@cs.cmu.edu> 
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04/26/2007 11:05 PM


[Soups-announce] Call for SOUPS posters and discussion sessions

Call for Posters and Discussion Sessions
Symposium On Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS 2007) - July 18-20, 
Pittsburgh, PA

SOUPS posters and discussion session proposals are due May 18. See
details below.

SOUPS registration is now open. The early registration deadline in
June 5. A preliminary program will be posted soon.


We seek poster abstracts describing recent or ongoing research or
experience in all areas of usable privacy and security. Submission of
late breaking results and work in progress is especially
encouraged. Submissions should follow the same formatting instructions
as refereed papers, but should be at most two pages and should not
include categories and subject descriptors, general terms, or
keywords. They should include a copyright block. Accepted poster
abstracts will appear in the ACM Digital Library as part of the ACM
International Conference Proceedings Series. Please follow the final
submission formatting instructions when preparing your poster abstract
to avoid the need to revise poster abstracts after acceptance
decisions are made. In addition, SOUPS will include a poster session
in which authors will exhibit their posters. Note, poster abstracts
should be formatted like short papers, not like posters. Authors of
accepted posters will be sent information about how to prepare and
format posters for the conference.


SOUPS will feature parallel, moderated breakout sessions (similar to
Birds of a feather sessions) in which symposium participants will
discuss a topic related to usable privacy and security. These sessions
may include a brief introduction to the topic by the moderator, but
otherwise will not include formal presentations. Discussion session
topics may include, but are not limited to, definitions or metrics,
design critiques, research agendas, or frameworks for collaborative
research. We seek proposals for discussion session topics. Proposals
must include a one paragraph statement of the topic to be discussed
and a one paragraph bio of each proposer that describes their
experience or interest in the topic. Optionally, proposers may submit
up to two pages of background material that can be distributed to
participants and posted on the SOUPS website. Authors of accepted
proposals will be expected to moderate their discussion session and
provide a brief report on their session for posting on the SOUPS web
site after the symposium.

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Received on Friday, 27 April 2007 12:22:43 UTC