ISSUE-26: \"currently deployed security information\"

ISSUE-26: "currently deployed security information"

Raised by: Thomas Roessler
On product: Note: use cases etc.

In section 5.4 ("new security information"), the note stipulates that
"Recommendations will only be made for the presentation of currently deployed
security information."  I find myself struggling with what that phrase might
mean, and in considering the charters language ("new protocols out of scope"), I
would rather say that we'll limit ourselves to, e.g., "security information that
can be made available within the currently deployed protocol framework."

Otherwise, we'd declare proposals such as EV certificate related ones as out of
scope, and we would also disclaim our own ability to negotiate changes to
protocols or formats with other groups.

I fear this is more than editorial.

Received on Sunday, 8 April 2007 17:19:52 UTC