from October 2005 by subject

"Time Ontology in OWL" and "Time Zone Resource in OWL"

[ADTF] f2f and ADTF

[ALL,OEP] Review of "Time Ontology in OWL" and "Time Zone Resource in OWL"

[ALL/MM] EMMA Last call

[ALL/MM] meeting record: 2005-10-05 SWBPD / MM TF Telecon

[ALL/MM] meeting record: 2005-10-12 SWBPD / MM TF Telecon

[ALL/MM] meeting record: 2005-19-05 SWBPD / MM TF Telecon

[ALL/MM] meeting record: 2005-27-10 SWBPD / MM TF Telecon

[ALL/OEP/MM]: GraphOnto


[All] Agenda 17 Oct Telecon 1700 UTC

[All] Agenda 17 Oct Telecon 1700 UTC -- regrets

[All] Agenda 3 Oct Telecon 1700 UTC

[All] Cancellation of 31 Oct 2005 Telecon

[ALL] MM TF Schedule for f2f meeting in Galway

[ALL] review version of XSCH

[All] SPARQL Query Language Review

[ALL] updated agenda Galway ftf

[Fwd: ok if URIs for SPARQL interface etc. ends with paren? (serviceDescription)]

[MM/admin] First version of first deliverable

[MM/ALL] Proposed f2f agenda addendum

[MM] comments on "Image Annotation on the SW" revision 1.18

[MM] Contribution to the 1st deliverable

[MM] Draft ready for review

[MM] Editorial: moved body of 3 and 4 and entire section 6 & 7 to separate document

[MM] Editorial: Tools categorisation

[MM] IRC for MM TF Teleconference

[MM] Media production house usecase

[MM] MM TF Teleconference

[MM] MM TF Teleconference: extended agenda

[MM] NASA use case solution via PhotoStuff

[MM] Next MM TF Teleconference

[MM] Resources page

[MM] Space ontologies conversion to RDFS...

[MM] Structure of the second MM TF Deliverable

[MM] Suggestion for list of terms

[MM] TeleScopeT Application Platform -- Another tool to look at?

[MM] Timing of Mike & Libby's review

[MM] Tools categorisation

[MM] Tools categorization

[MM] Tools caterorisation

[MM] URGENT Next MM TF Teleconference Time Changed!

[MM] use case

[MM] Use Case solution, stand alone version revised...

[MM] Use Case solution, stand alone version...

[MM]Contribution to 1st deliverable

[MM]Tools categorization

[OEP] Inference Patterns

[OEP] Minues of telecon 10/24

[OEP] review simple part-whole draft

[OEP] Tele

[OEP] Telecon Monday

[OEP] The n-ary relations draft is ready for outside review

[OEP] time-ontology review still underway

[PORT] comment please: editor's drafts of SKOS Core Spec and Guide following 2nd review

[PORT] coordination-8

[PORT] editorial changes

[PORT] extension-6 proposal

[PORT] Moved: 2nd Public Working Draft for SKOS Core Guide and SKOS Core Vocabulary Specification

[PORT] new editor's working draft of SKOS Core Vocab Spec

[PORT] New SKOS Core snapshot

[PORT] owlImport-7 proposal

[PORT] Propose Public Working Draft for SKOS Core Guide & SKOS Core Vocab Spec 2005-10-06 editors drafts

[PORT] SKOS Core 2nd review: notes-2

[PORT] SKOS Core 2nd review: seeAlsoTranslations-4

[PORT] SKOS Core 2nd Review: symbolicLabelsRange-3

[PORT] SKOS Core namespace dereferencing

[PORT] solutions for collections-5

[PORT] update on 2nd review

[PORT][OEP] Agenda items for f2f SKOS discussion

[RDFTM] last telecon and our goals for f2f

[RDFTM] Last teleconference minutes

[RDFTM] n-ary relations vocabulary

[RDFTM] preliminary draft


[SE] Agenda for this weeks meeting

[SE] Feedback ODA note

[SE] more feedback to new note

[SE] OOSD note

[SE] Suggestion of new note

[SE] The second note

[VM] content-dependent redirects in apache ... help!

[VM] Reminder for rescheduled telecon today (Friday)

[VM] Skip Oct 11 telecon? (next Oct 25)?

[VM] Telecon Tuesday 25 Oct - schedule for Friday?

[VM] VM Task Force update

[WN] editor's draft WordNet datamodel

[WN] Endurant Objects?

[WNET] RDF/OWL versions of WN

[XSCH] F2F thoughts

[XSCH] finished updating doc

[XSCH] further updates + lock to jeff

[XSCH] towards next draft

Agenda amendment: SKOS drafts

Comment about reflexive properties

comment: looking forward to treatment of units of measure for use in RDF Calendar work

CURIEs, xmlns and bandwidth

documents from RDF-in-HTML Task Force

EARL requirements 1st WD

FOAF namespace info Re: [VM] Telecon Tuesday 25 Oct - schedule for Friday?


Making RDF/OWL A Useful Tool For Software Engineering

meeting record: 2005-10-03 SWBPD Telecon

Minutes of SWBP WG 2005-10-17

Regrets for today's telecon

Review of EARL requirements

Review of XML Schema Datatypes in RDF and OWL

Semanticworks screenshot RE: [SE] OOSD note

SKOS Core 2nd review

Wordnet TF

XML Schema Datatypes in RDF and OWL

Last message date: Monday, 31 October 2005 21:10:56 UTC