[MM] Resources page


I originally started to collect resources related to image annotation as 
a preparation for the two MM task force deliverbles. We've simply cut 
and pasted this page into the 1st deliverable, and started editing from 
there.  I think the structure of draft has now sufficiently matured that 
the time has come to throw things out when they do not fit.

I would hate to lose this collection of resources, so I propose that we 
set up a page with relevant resources under 
http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/BestPractices/MM/Resources.html and refer to 
that page from the deliverable.

This has additional advantages in that we can informally update this 
page without publishing new versions of the  deliverables and that there 
is less need to be "complete" in the tools and vocabulary overview in 
the drafts (I do not think it is possible to be complete on this topic), 
so we can move work that is relevant but doesn't fit in the deliverables 
to this page.

Any comments/objections?


PS: For inspiration, the SYMM WG maintains a news & resources page at 

Received on Wednesday, 19 October 2005 09:58:34 UTC