Re: [PORT] new editor's working draft of SKOS Core Vocab Spec

Miles, AJ (Alistair) wrote:

>Sorry, accidentally sent this before complete:
>>Hi all,
>>I've generated a new editor's draft of the SKOS Core 
>>Vocabulary Specification, at:
>>I've set this up as a content-negotiable resource, which 
>>means that if you're in a French-speaking country, you should 
>>get the French variant, and so on for English, German, Dutch, 
>>and Portugues.
Cool :)

The negotiation is by language prefs from the browser,
not (to be pedantic) by country, right? So a Dutch speaker
in France can get Dutch, if they configure things properly.

>>Or you can get one of the variants directly:
And also from the 'Translations' link, handy, thanks.

How much work would it be to make the floating navigation
bar on the right be also based on the translated labels? Or would
layout be hard, since they're based on the local symbolic names at
moment, not the (generally slightly longer) rdfs:label?

>Does anyone have any comments on these before putting to the SWBP-WG for Public Working Draft?
One tiny edit. Instead of...

"SKOS Core is a model for expressing the structure and content of 
concept schemes (thesauri, classification schemes, subject heading 
lists, taxonomies, terminologies, glossaries and other types of
controlled vocabulary)."

How about

"SKOS Core is a model for expressing the structure and content of 
concept schemes (thesauri, classification schemes, subject heading 
lists, taxonomies, 'folksonomies', terminologies, glossaries and other 
types of controlled vocabulary)."

If "folksonomy" proves to become a dated buzzword, we can remove it in a 
later version. Would be good for W3C to go on record as asserting SKOS's 
relevant there, though. In the Guide too, and other occurances of this 

What do you reckon?



Received on Thursday, 6 October 2005 16:44:35 UTC