Re: [WN] editor's draft WordNet datamodel

Guus Schreiber wrote:

> All,
> You can find an editor's draft of the "as-is" conversion of WordNet to 
> RDF/OWL at:
> The document has links to WordNet schema file, the corresponding 
> instance files, and the conversion program (from the WN Prolog source 
> to RDF/OWL, using SWI-Prolog).
> This will be input for the ftf discussions on WN.
Ah, great to see this :)

One point re "Brickley represents the hyponym relationship as a 
|rdfs:subClassOf|. This is an attractive interpretation, but we argue 
that not all hyponyms can be interpreted in that way."...

I felt licensed to map wordnet hyponym into RDF classes because the 
wordnet documentation said that hyponym is only used when two terms fit 
into the following template: "A ____ is a kind of ___". While I did find 
some cases (in v1.6 at least) where terms didn't seem good as classes, 
they also seemed to fail on Wordnet's own internal documentation rules. 
I think "Paris" is (or was) an example.

BTW could you also cite  from the 
references -- it is the same piece of work begun in the 1999 post, but 
from an new URL that is in use and the page is even occasionally updated...



> Guus
> PS Mark has officially joined SWBPD today.


Received on Monday, 17 October 2005 16:12:53 UTC