Re: [ALL/MM] EMMA Last call

> We considered that in our discussions, until we hit the question about
> how to represent an XML Literal as the subject of two triples.  As far
> as I can tell, you have to copy the literal. And similarly if you want to
> assign a property to one node of your XML and another one to a subnode
> of it.

If you allow owl:sameAs with its intended OWL Full semantics, you can do

       <owl:sameAs rdf:parseType="Literal">
              XML Literal Here
       <eg:p1 rdf:resource="v1"/>
       <eg:p2 rdf:resource="v2"/>

Literals not being allowed in subject position is a strange syntactic 
limitation. (Not allowing literals as a subject to a property, a 
semantic restriction, might have made more sense)


Received on Monday, 3 October 2005 15:20:18 UTC