[RDFTM] last telecon and our goals for f2f

Dear all,

Please accept my apologies.
I didn't send any email to communicate my absence to the last telecon.
I was in London for an unexpected commitment, so I had to organize  
the trip and go there,
and honestly I  forgotten to write about it as well as to ask to  
someone else to represent the TF.

By the way, on September 26th the TF had a telecon. You can find  
below the minutes (also available at http:// 
tesi.fabio.web.cs.unibo.it/RDFTM/ConCall20050926 ).
As you can notice we should have a first draft to discuss about at  
the f2f.

Thanks for your attention.

Best regards,

Minutes of the September 26th telecon:

     * Last week action points:
           o Valentina: "try" to fill the sections on issues that  
have been decided
     * Reviews: DiscussionPoints
     * F2F in Galway
           o Task Force goals for ftf
           o Who is going to ftf?

     * Decisions:
           o Valentina is going to the f2f in galway
           o Define a first draft by 4 Nov
           o Both us and Natasha Noy will require some vocabulary to  
provide guidance on n-ary relationships. It is mandatory that this  
vocabulary is the same. We should make sure that this happens.

     * Action points:
           o Fabio, Nicola: write at least one comment on each of the  
new wiki pages
           o Lars: add some comments about HandlingNames
           o Valentina: write to Natasha Noy asking collaboration  
about the use of vocabulary in N-ary relationships
           o All: discuss about HandlingIdentity and HandlingNames  
before the next Concall
           o Lars: decide on coming to Bologna and in case fix dates.  
Possible candidates: 19-21 or 24-26 october

     * Next ConCall: Tuesday, 2005-10-11, at 15:00

Valentina Presutti

Phd Student of Computer Science
Department of Computer Science
University of Bologna
Mura anteo Zamboni 7
Ph. +39 (0)51 20 94871
Fax. +39 (0)51 20 94510
home page: http://www.cs.unibo.it/~presutti

Received on Wednesday, 5 October 2005 17:27:27 UTC