[ALL/MM] meeting record: 2005-10-05 SWBPD / MM TF Telecon

SWBPD list,
Please find the minutes from todays' SWBPD MM TF telecon [1], in plain
text below.


[1] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-swbp-wg/2005Oct/0032.html


SemWeb Best Practices and Deployment WG, MultiMedia TF Teleconference

5 Oct 2005




          Giorgos Stamou, Jacco van Ossenbruggen, Raphael Troncy,
          Chris Halaschek-Wiener, Jeff Pan, John Smith, Vassilis
          Nikolaous Simou,

          Jane Hunter




     * Topics
         1. Overall goals of the 1st deliverable
         2. Use cases and their solutions
         3. Existing Vocabularies/Ontologies: classification based on
level of adoption, formal status, size, granularity, tool support etc.
         4. Existing Tools: classification based on several criteria
     * Summary of Action Items


Jacco: overall goals of this 1st deliverable
 ... the document should contain some concrete guidelines
 ... is there any concrete experiences on this subject or is there too
many issues ?
Chris: it should be feasible to gather enough experiences
Jacco: images or video?
 ... focus on annotating images
Giorgos: wg suggested to stick to images only
Jacco: agreed
Jacco: short survey of possible work load div.
Jacco: discuss about the content and share the work afterwards
Jacco: Semantic Interoperability is for the 2nd deliverable
Jacco: propose the following table of contents for the document
    1) Introduction ;
    2) Use cases ;
    3) Vocabularies/Ontologies classification ;
    4) Tools classification

Jacco: - Sketch solutions for the use cases
    ACTION: Chris may complete the use cases list with the NASA use case
if it is possible
    ACTION: Giorgos will drive the use case: "annotating personal photo
Jacco: the persons who write the use cases write the sketch of a
solution that the TF will recommend (which vocabulary? which tool?)
Jacco: next Wed, future release of the draft, all use cases should be
ready, and have a first (partial) solution addressing the issue

Jacco: - Classify the vocabularies and ontologies based on level of
adoption, formal status, size, granularity, tool support etc.
Chris: The introduction should be clearer
John: MPEG-7 is larger than the XML Schema Description Schemes, there
are also the Classification Schemes, the profiles, etc.
    ACTION: Raphael will add the work about modeling the MPEG-7
classification schemes into OWL

Jacco: - Classification of tools
Jacco: the ones that recognize their work on the list should send to the
TF some more information
Giorgos: issue: the tools are quite immature
Jacco: discuss in the TF the criteria for classifying the tools
... send feedbacks then to the developpers of these tools

Summary of Action Items

    [NEW] ACTION: Giorgos will schedule the next telecon
    [NEW] ACTION: Chris may complete the use cases list with the NASA
use case if it is possible
    [NEW] ACTION: Giorgos will drive the use case: "annotating personal
photo collection"
    [NEW] ACTION: Raphael will add the work about modeling the MPEG-7
classification schemes into OWL
    [NEW] ACTION: ALL: send ideas/comments on the list of criteria for
classifying the tools

Raphaël Troncy
CWI (Centre for Mathematics and Computer Science),
Kruislaan 413, 1098 SJ Amsterdam, The Netherlands
e-mail: raphael.troncy@cwi.nl & raphael.troncy@gmail.com
Tel: +31 (0)20 - 592 4093
Web: http://www.cwi.nl/ins2/

Received on Wednesday, 5 October 2005 16:48:15 UTC