from October 2012 by thread

Re: Moving rdf:Seq and friends to RDF/XML (was: Re: Minutes of RDF-WG F2F, Day 2) Pierre-Antoine Champin (Wednesday, 31 October)

Added link to JSON-LD issue tracker on website Manu Sporny (Tuesday, 30 October)

JSON-LD Data model / RDF Data Model differences Manu Sporny (Tuesday, 30 October)

Minutes of RDF-WG F2F, Day 2 Richard Cyganiak (Tuesday, 30 October)

Provenance Example for TriG Spec David Wood (Tuesday, 30 October)

ISSUE-3: scan of rdf-comments (completes ACTION-102) Guus Schreiber (Tuesday, 30 October)

Rough Agenda for Tuesday's RDF WG F2F Call Manu Sporny (Monday, 29 October)

Minutes of RDF-WG F2F, Day 1 Richard Cyganiak (Monday, 29 October)

[off topic] meeting place for evening dinner in Lyon? Antoine Zimmermann (Monday, 29 October)

[rdf-xml] request for opinions on the "datatyped empty literals" errata. Fabien Gandon (Monday, 29 October)

ISSUE-102: Shall we highlight Turtle's list structures as "Well-Formed Lists" in one of our Recs? RDF Working Group Issue Tracker (Monday, 29 October)

My Remote Attendance to F2F Gavin Carothers (Monday, 29 October)

meeting now? Sandro Hawke (Friday, 26 October)

TriG and default graphs Yves Raimond (Wednesday, 24 October)

FTF3 Zakim Reservation David Wood (Wednesday, 24 October)

RDF Working Group Teleconference Minutes, 24 October 2012 Richard Cyganiak (Wednesday, 24 October)

Resolving I18N-ISSUE-192 Gavin Carothers (Wednesday, 24 October)

JSON-LD Telecon Minutes for 2012-10-23 Manu Sporny (Tuesday, 23 October)

RDF WG charter and JSON-LD resolutions Manu Sporny (Tuesday, 23 October)

[ALL] agenda 24 Oct telecon Guus Schreiber (Tuesday, 23 October)

Agenda: JSON-LD Telecon - Tuesday, October 23th 2012 Manu Sporny (Sunday, 21 October)

JSON-LD Telecon Minutes for 2012-10-16 Manu Sporny (Sunday, 21 October)

RDF-ISSUE-101 (migration-doc): Will RDF-WG produce a �??What's New in RDF 1.1�?? document or migration guide? RDF Working Group Issue Tracker (Sunday, 21 October)

partial comments on JSON-LD document Peter Patel-Schneider (Saturday, 20 October)

F2F3 Timezone, Time, etc Gavin Carothers (Thursday, 18 October)

Fwd: clock change reminder; 28-Oct to 4-Nov Ivan Herman (Thursday, 18 October)

Potential Formal Object from DERI over JSON-LD Manu Sporny (Wednesday, 17 October)

Proposal to NOT address I18N-ISSUE-183: Use of types questionable? Eric Prud'hommeaux (Wednesday, 17 October)

Draft minutes for telecon of 2012-10-17 Thomas Baker (Wednesday, 17 October)

Proposal to address I18N-ISSUE-193: reference obs-language-tag instead of defining your own Eric Prud'hommeaux (Wednesday, 17 October)

Fwd: New public IRC server refuses passwords Ivan Herman (Monday, 15 October)

Agenda: JSON-LD Telecon - Tuesday, October 16th 2012 Manu Sporny (Monday, 15 October)

JSON-LD Telecon Minutes for 2012-10-09 Manu Sporny (Monday, 15 October)

Agenda for 17 Oct 2012 David Wood (Sunday, 14 October)

Draft FTF3 Agenda David Wood (Sunday, 14 October)

Some tests for Turtle Andy Seaborne (Friday, 12 October)

Draft minutes for telecon of 2012-10-10 Andy Seaborne (Wednesday, 10 October)

ISSUE-100: Turtle in HTML doesn't explain escaping RDF Working Group Issue Tracker (Wednesday, 10 October)

[ALL] agenda 10 Oct telecon Guus Schreiber (Tuesday, 9 October)

Agenda: JSON-LD Telecon - Tuesday, October 9th 2012 Manu Sporny (Monday, 8 October)

adding {}s to grammar to address I18N-ISSUE-189 Eric Prud'hommeaux (Sunday, 7 October)

RDF-ISSUE-99 (HTML Literals in RDF/XML): Does RDF/XML get a special syntax for HTML Literals? RDF Working Group Issue Tracker (Friday, 5 October)

Re: PROV Last Call - RDF WG review request David Wood (Thursday, 4 October)

JSON-LD Telecon Minutes for 2012-10-02 Manu Sporny (Wednesday, 3 October)

Re: Agenda for 3 October 2012 Pierre-Antoine Champin (Wednesday, 3 October)

trig syntax resolutions Sandro Hawke (Wednesday, 3 October)

regrets for today Souripriya Das (Wednesday, 3 October)

Proposal to address I18N-ISSUE-185: Line terminator assumptions Eric Prud'hommeaux (Wednesday, 3 October)

help an editor out with three remaining i18n comments? Eric Prud'hommeaux (Tuesday, 2 October)

Proposal to address I18N-ISSUE-191: Various nits in Appendix B Eric Prud'hommeaux (Tuesday, 2 October)

Re: modest proposal for entailment Antoine Zimmermann (Tuesday, 2 October)

explanation of I18N-ISSUE-190: attempting to erase combining marks? Eric Prud'hommeaux (Tuesday, 2 October)

explaination of I18N-ISSUE-188: special handling of % in IRI Eric Prud'hommeaux (Tuesday, 2 October)

Proposal to address I18N-ISSUE-184: Malformed escapes examples Eric Prud'hommeaux (Tuesday, 2 October)

Proposal to NOT address I18N-ISSUE-182: cultural relevance of examples Eric Prud'hommeaux (Tuesday, 2 October)

Proposal to address I18N-ISSUE-181: Non-ASCII IRI example Eric Prud'hommeaux (Tuesday, 2 October)

Proposal to address I18N-ISSUE-180: Various random character references should be more explicit label Eric Prud'hommeaux (Tuesday, 2 October)

Proposal to address I18N-ISSUE-178: Reference IETF BCP 47 for language declaration label Eric Prud'hommeaux (Tuesday, 2 October)

Proposal to address I18N-ISSUE-187: escape syntax [TURTLE] Gavin Carothers (Monday, 1 October)

Proposal to address I18N-ISSUE-179: Scope of document language label Gavin Carothers (Monday, 1 October)

RE: Agenda: JSON-LD Telecon - Tuesday, October 2nd 2012 Markus Lanthaler (Monday, 1 October)

Last message date: Wednesday, 31 October 2012 15:17:26 UTC