Re: Some tests for Turtle

FWIW, I'm now processing Andy's Turtle tests. I'm actually using JSON-LD to get an easily consumable version of the tests. The process is the following (using the Ruby RDF libraries):

Parse each manifest to an RDF Repository:

        g = RDF::Graph.load(file, :format => :turtle)

Generate JSON-LD from it and frame it. The frame I'm using is the following:

      "@context": {
        "xsd": "",
        "rdfs": "",
        "mf": "",
        "mq": "",
        "rdft": "",
        "comment": "rdfs:comment",
        "entries": {"@id": "mf:entries", "@container": "@list"},
        "name": "mf:name",
        "action": {"@id": "mf:action", "@type": "@id"},
        "result": {"@id": "mf:result", "@type": "@id"}
      "@type": "mf:Manifest",
      "entries": {
        "@type": [

This basically puts all the tests within the "entries" property.

Then I generate the framed tests as follows:

        JSON::LD::API.fromRDF(g) do |expanded|
          JSON::LD::API.frame(expanded, FRAME) do |framed|

Basically, turn the RDF into JSON-LD, apply the frame, and then yield (or callback) with the result. A sample of the converted manifest is the following:

  "@context": {
    "xsd": "",
    "rdfs": "",
    "mf": "",
    "mq": "",
    "rdft": "",
    "comment": "rdfs:comment",
    "entries": {
      "@id": "mf:entries",
      "@container": "@list"
    "name": "mf:name",
    "action": {
      "@id": "mf:action",
      "@type": "@id"
    "result": {
      "@id": "mf:result",
      "@type": "@id"
  "@graph": [
      "@id": "",
      "@type": "mf:Manifest",
      "comment": "Turtle tests",
      "entries": [
          "@id": "",
          "@type": "rdft:TestTurtlePositiveSyntax",
          "action": "",
          "name": "syn-file-01"

I can then iterate through each entry in entries using the 'action', 'result', and '@type' to perform each test.

My processor still passes all of the old tests, but fails a number of the syntax tests, which is expected and now makes it easier for my to update my processor.

For anyone interested, my test runner is at The bits to convert the manifests into JSON-LD (and a Ruby Resource class to access this) is at

Thanks Andy!

Gregg Kellogg

On Oct 12, 2012, at 9:05 AM, Andy Seaborne <> wrote:

> Here are some tests for Turtle as a seed of a test suite.
> --> TurtleSubm
> These are the tests from the Turtle submission, cleaned up.
> --> Turtle
> New syntax tests.  Work-in-progress.
> - - - - - - - - -
> The "jena/Experimental" area is not in the current release codebase
> and can changed at any time (i.e. no release code freeze)
> == TurtleSubm/
> These are the tests from the Turtle submission, cleaned up to make them 
> passable.  e.g. test 29 had a bad URI characters - parsers that do basic 
> character range checks as in the Turtle LC grammar would flag this as an 
> error.
> TurtleSubm/manifest.ttl
> TurtleSubm/manifest-bad.ttl
> == Turtle/
> This is work-in-progress and I'll be adding more tests over the next few 
> days as time permits.
> Turtle/manifest.ttl
> Current License: ASL2 (changing to W3C Software license is no problem)
> Only syntax tests (positive and negative) and all tests are in a single 
> manifest file (good and bad syntax tests).
> == Manifest
> The tests use the manifest format which is a general framework or 
> "action" and "result".  Tests are typed. It was specialised and used by 
> SPARQL 1.0 and I know some other people use it for their tests other 
> than SPARQL.
> But also the tests are systematically named (by and large) so there is 
> no need to write a complex test environment.  I hope it will be relative 
> simple to incorporate the tests into any environment with as little 
> overhead as possible.
> The test suite serves two purposes : getting the Turtle spec through W3C 
> process but also as a community resource beyond the working group for 
> validating parsers.  Creating good coverage is some thing we can share.
> 	Andy

Received on Monday, 22 October 2012 00:53:43 UTC