from February 2015 by subject

48-Hour Call for Consensus (CfC); Publish SVG A11y FPWD

[aapi] Computing aria-level when it is not specified

[Transition Announcement] SVG Accessibility API Mappings 1.0 FPWD

ACTION-1349: Creation of aria-placeholder

Action-1548: proposed note text for aria-current

Action-1571 re CSS Composite and Contrast Calculation

Action-1579 Review audio output devices api

Agenda: February 12, 2015 WAI-PF ARIA Caucus

Agenda: February 19, 2015 WAI-PF ARIA Caucus

Agenda: February 5, 2015 WAI-PF ARIA Caucus

Agenda: Monday, 16 February 2015 WAI-PF ARIA Authoring Practices Guide Taskforce

Agenda: Monday, 2 February 2015 WAI-PF ARIA Authoring Practices Guide Taskforce

Agenda: Monday, 23 February 2015 WAI-PF ARIA Authoring Practices Guide Taskforce

Agenda: Monday, 9 February 2015 WAI-PF ARIA Authoring Practices Guide Taskforce

Agenda: PF Telecon 11 February at 17:00Z for 60 minutes

Agenda: PF Telecon 18 February at 17:00Z for 60 minutes

Agenda: PF Telecon 25 February at 17:00Z for 60 minutes

Agenda: PF Telecon 4 February at 17:00Z for 60 minutes

ARIA role switch should say how to handle invalid mixed value


AW: Agenda: PF Telecon 18 February at 17:00Z for 60 minutes

AW: Agenda: PF Telecon 4 February at 17:00Z for 60 minutes

Clarification in the spec regarding proper usage of aria-owns and what it actually does?

Draft Minutes: Monday, 23 February 2015 WAI-PF ARIA Authoring Practices Guide Taskforce


Experiments with ARIA Tooltips based on the last APG call

Firefox accessibility API mapping questions

Fwd: PFWG-ISSUE-704 (Indication of Primary Button): Should there be an ARIA method to indicate the primary button? [ARIA 1.1]

FYI, ARIA role "none" landed in Firefox 38 nightly

Heads UP - NO WAI-ARI Task force meeting th week of CSUN

Is there a public list of events that should fire when ARIA is used?

make aria-owns to rearrange children

Minutes PF 21 January 2015

Minutes PF 28 January 2015

MINUTES(draft): Monday, 2 February 2015 WAI-PF ARIA Authoring Practices Guide Taskforce

Minutes: February 12 WAI-ARIA Caucus

Minutes: February 19, 2015 WAI-ARIA Caucus

Minutes: February 19, 2015 WAI-PF ARIA Caucus

minutes: February 5, 2014 WAI PF ARIA Caucus

Minutes: Monday, 16 February 2015 WAI-PF ARIA Authoring Practices Guide Taskforce

Minutes: Monday, 9 February 2015 WAI-PF ARIA Authoring Practices Guide Taskforce

name computation for role="checkbox"

New code for today 92473 Re: Agenda: February 12, 2015 WAI-PF ARIA Caucus

No SVG Accessibility Task force meeting during the CSUN conference week

No WAI-ARIA Call this week

Per discussion with the ARIA-APG group this morning, live region test files attached

PFWG-ACTION-1576: Look at css counter styles for wcag failures etc.

PFWG-ISSUE-701: Modify aria-owns such that the idref order pertains to the order of the associated children

PFWG-ISSUE-702 (The word SHOULD for keyboard support is unclear in the Roles Model spec): The ARIA Roles Model spec states that keyboard support for interactive widgets is optional, not required, which it should be. [ARIA 1.1]

PFWG-ISSUE-703 (AXAPI aria-owns mapping): Confirm the proper mapping of aria-owns on the AXAPI platform [ARIA 1.1 Implementation Guide]

Regrets for PF call this week

Removing user agent UI requirements from ARIA spec

RfC: Manifest for web application; review deadline March 5

role checkbox doesn't support aria-readonly

Suggested edit to name and description computation spec -- was Re: Is there a public list of events that should fire when ARIA is used?

Support for ARIA "searchbox" role just landed in WebKit

Support for ARIA "switch" role just landed in WebKit

SVG Accessibility API Mapping Specification

Last message date: Friday, 27 February 2015 20:43:41 UTC