
As you know the aria-describedat discussion has been a rather hot topic as
of late. George Kerscher, who brought the requirement to us, will be coming
to the ARIA call on Thursday. I would ask that we all hear what he has to
say. George is president of IDPF, that produces EPUB, and I believe he is
also president of the Readium Foundation which is producing open source
EPUB book readers that run on multiple operating system platforms.

George is going to try to bring a representative from Benetech and one of
the lead developers on Readium as they are getting ready to add
aria-describedat support in their UI. He will also discuss Readium's plans
to implement aria-describedat.

Your attendance is very important. I want the group to hear from browser
manufacturers as well as a leading epub book reader supplier to hear all
sides of the discussion so that we can move forward on decision on how to
support aria-describedat.

Let's have a good pragmatic discussion on Thursday.

Call in logistics:

12:30PM Eastern time
passcode: 2742

W3C IRC channel: #aria

I will be sending out a meeting agenda soon.

Thank you,

Rich Schwerdtfeger

Received on Tuesday, 3 February 2015 16:46:29 UTC