The Protocols and Formats Working Group and the SVG Working Group
announce publication of a First Public Working Draft of SVG
Accessibility API Mappings 1.0.
*Title:* SVG Accessibility API Mappings 1.0
*Short Name:* svg-aam-1.0
*Description:* Describes how user agents map SVG markup to platform
accessibility APIs. When user agents support this specification, SVG
authors can create accessible rich internet applications, including
charts, graphs, and other drawings.
*TR Categories:* "Accessibility (All)", "Accessible Rich Internet
Applications (WAI-ARIA)", "Graphics", "SVG"
*Publication URI:*
*Latest version URI:*
*Editors' Draft URI:*
This publication closes the Transition Request at
To comment, send email to
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or file an issue in W3C Bugzilla
Comments are requested by *27 March 2015*. In-progress updates to the
document may be viewed in the publicly visible editors' draft