- From: Joseph Scheuhammer <clown@alum.mit.edu>
- Date: Mon, 23 Feb 2015 10:08:27 -0500
- To: Dominic Mazzoni <dmazzoni@google.com>, Bryan Garaventa <bryan.garaventa@ssbbartgroup.com>
- CC: "public-pfwg@w3.org" <public-pfwg@w3.org>
Hi Dominic, > ... it's exposed via IAccessibleRelation with the code > IA2_RELATION_DESCRIBED_BY. I can't find an event that's supposed to > fire if that property changes. Maybe someone else knows? I took a look at AT-SPI events. From what I can tell, the only relationship change that triggers an event is parent changes. The event is "object:property-change:accessible-parent" [1]. I can't find anything comparable in the IA2 list of events [2]. Hope that's useful. [1] https://developer.gnome.org/libatspi/2.13/AtspiEventListener.html#atspi-event-listener-register [2] http://accessibility.linuxfoundation.org/a11yspecs/ia2/docs/html/_accessible_event_i_d_8idl.html#ae26846b6d521727ab696d20c3f43c0b5 -- ;;;;joseph. 'Array(16).join("wat" - 1) + " Batman!"' - G. Bernhardt -
Received on Monday, 23 February 2015 15:08:57 UTC