Re: make aria-owns to rearrange children

Hi Alex,

That makes sense.

I created an issue:

It is getting a bit late for ARIA 1.1 but we will see what the group says.
It could be ARIA 2.0.


Rich Schwerdtfeger

From:	Alexander Surkov <>
To:	"W3C WAI Protocols & Formats" <>, James Teh
Date:	02/15/2015 10:08 AM
Subject:	make aria-owns to rearrange children


aria-owns is used to define parent-child relationship [1]. The spec says
nothing how aria-owns affects on between-siblings relations, i.e. where
aria-owns children have to be in the hierarchy. So there's no way for the
author to control the ordering of explicit and aria-owns children. The idea
[2] was to let aria-owns to refer its own children to change the ordering.
For example,

<div role="grid"
<div role="row" aria-owns="c1 c2 c3 c4">
  <div role="gridcell" id="c1">cell1</div>
  <div role="gridcell" id="c2">cell1</div>

<!-- somewhere in the DOM -->
<div role="gridcell" id="c3">cell1</div>
<div role="gridcell" id="c4">cell1</div>

In this case role="row" would contain 4 cells in the order specified by

If the idea looks reasonable then the spec could be changed this way

Insert after existing wording:
"The value of the aria-owns attribute is a space-separated list of IDREFS
that reference one or more elements in the document by ID."

something like:
"The order the referred elements listed in the value should be preserved
when their parent-child relationship is set. All explicit unreferred
children should be considered followed aria-owns elements."



Received on Tuesday, 17 February 2015 15:14:12 UTC