[alreq] Line breaking rules (#237)
[alreq] new commits pushed by r12a
[alreq] new commits pushed by xfq
[alreq] Pull Request: Remove localBiblio for Unicode and UAX #9
[alreq] Pull Request: Remove stray section end tag
[alreq] Pull Request: Typo fix
[alreq] Pull Request: Use the `group` configuration option
[alreq] Pull Request: Use the respec-w3c profile
[alreq] Remove localBiblio for Unicode and UAX #9 (#236)
[alreq] Text opacity shows glyph overlap (#221)
[bp-i18n-specdev] Add guidance for case normalization in in personal names (#47)
[bp-i18n-specdev] I18N-ACTION-890: (for discussion in teleconference) health warning prototypes for normalization (#41)
[bp-i18n-specdev] new commits pushed by aphillips
[bp-i18n-specdev] new commits pushed by r12a
[bp-i18n-specdev] new commits pushed by xfq
[bp-i18n-specdev] Pull Request: Add guidance for case normalization in in personal names
[bp-i18n-specdev] Pull Request: Text proposal for working with personal names
[bp-i18n-specdev] Pull Request: Use the `group` configuration option
[bp-i18n-specdev] Use the `group` configuration option (#46)
[charmod-norm] Fix #202 Errata reported by @shujikamitsuna (#203)
[charmod-norm] new commits pushed by aphillips
[charmod-norm] new commits pushed by r12a
[charmod-norm] new commits pushed by xfq
[charmod-norm] possible typos (#202)
[charmod-norm] Pull Request: Add PR preview
[charmod-norm] Pull Request: Fix #202 Errata reported by @shujikamitsuna
[charmod-norm] Pull Request: Fix respec warning and one typo
[charmod-norm] Pull Request: Update reference to the HTML spec
[charmod-norm] Pull Request: Update the configuration options
[clreq] "Former editors" in the Chinese version is unchanged (#329)
[clreq] Add 'Related documents' to README.md (#323)
[clreq] Add advice about linking to sections and figures to EDITING.md (#316)
[clreq] Add an example where the Romanized interlinear annotation has descenders (#326)
[clreq] Add lang attribute to EDITING.md (#304)
[clreq] Add links to the definition of "line gap" (#315)
[clreq] Broken link in the README (#322)
[clreq] Browsers apply extraneous spaces when letter-spacing (#319)
[clreq] Change Figure for § (#330)
[clreq] Changing the structure of Chapter 4 (#285)
[clreq] Chinese name for even inter-character spacing (#290)
[clreq] cjk-tally-mark and cjk-stem-branch counter styles (#228)
[clreq] Definition of "line gap" (#325)
[clreq] English translation of 行距 (#297)
[clreq] Fix the Chinese translation of "trim size" (#314)
[clreq] Fix the description of line height (#311)
[clreq] Forms (#328)
[clreq] Need improve § 3.4.3 Line Alignment Processing (#327)
[clreq] Need to add details on Line Adjustment (#255)
[clreq] Need to improve § 3.4.3 Line Alignment Processing (#327)
[clreq] new commits pushed by r12a
[clreq] new commits pushed by xfq
- Fuqiao Xue via GitHub (Thursday, 17 September)
- Fuqiao Xue via GitHub (Thursday, 17 September)
- Fuqiao Xue via GitHub (Thursday, 17 September)
- Fuqiao Xue via GitHub (Tuesday, 15 September)
- Fuqiao Xue via GitHub (Tuesday, 1 September)
- Fuqiao Xue via GitHub (Tuesday, 1 September)
- Fuqiao Xue via GitHub (Monday, 17 August)
- Fuqiao Xue via GitHub (Monday, 17 August)
- Fuqiao Xue via GitHub (Sunday, 16 August)
- Fuqiao Xue via GitHub (Thursday, 13 August)
- Fuqiao Xue via GitHub (Thursday, 13 August)
- Fuqiao Xue via GitHub (Thursday, 13 August)
- Fuqiao Xue via GitHub (Thursday, 13 August)
- Fuqiao Xue via GitHub (Thursday, 13 August)
- Fuqiao Xue via GitHub (Thursday, 13 August)
- Fuqiao Xue via GitHub (Thursday, 13 August)
- Fuqiao Xue via GitHub (Tuesday, 11 August)
- Fuqiao Xue via GitHub (Wednesday, 5 August)
- Fuqiao Xue via GitHub (Tuesday, 4 August)
- Fuqiao Xue via GitHub (Saturday, 1 August)
- Fuqiao Xue via GitHub (Saturday, 1 August)
- Fuqiao Xue via GitHub (Wednesday, 22 July)
- Fuqiao Xue via GitHub (Thursday, 16 July)
- Fuqiao Xue via GitHub (Thursday, 9 July)
- Fuqiao Xue via GitHub (Thursday, 9 July)
- Fuqiao Xue via GitHub (Thursday, 9 July)
- Fuqiao Xue via GitHub (Thursday, 9 July)
- Fuqiao Xue via GitHub (Thursday, 9 July)
- Fuqiao Xue via GitHub (Wednesday, 1 July)
[clreq] Optimize the images (#332)
[clreq] Positioning of : and ; in Chinese (#295)
[clreq] Possible error in the type area section (#296)
[clreq] Pull Request: Add 'Related documents' to README.md
[clreq] Pull Request: Add advice about linking to sections and figures to EDITING.md
[clreq] Pull Request: Add links to the definition of "line gap"
[clreq] Pull Request: Add 缩进
[clreq] Pull Request: Fix the Chinese translation of "trim size"
[clreq] Pull Request: Fix the description of em dashes
[clreq] Pull Request: Remove 篇名号
[clreq] Pull Request: Rewrite single line alignment processing
[clreq] Pull Request: Update README.md
[clreq] Pull Request: Update some l10n text
[clreq] Pull Request: Update the links to the TF
[clreq] Pull Request: Use Process 2020
[clreq] Pull Request: Use the `group` configuration option
[clreq] Pull Request: Use the respec-w3c profile
[clreq] q element produces incorrect quotation marks when language changes (#240)
[clreq] Rewrite compression rules for punctuations (#307)
[clreq] Rewrite of Compression Rules for Punctuation Marks 标点符号的挤压 (#221)
[clreq] The English name of 省略号 (#312)
[clreq] The English of name of 省略号 (#312)
[clreq] Translation fix (#308)
[clreq] Update README.md (#331)
[clreq] Update some l10n text (#320)
[clreq] Update the links to the TF (#321)
[clreq] Use Process 2020 (#333)
[clreq] 「缩排」和「缩进」 (#324)
[clreq] 人名缩略翻译的处理 (#223)
[clreq] 关于「篇名号」 (#288)
[clreq] 关于拼音的密排 (#291)
[clreq] 建議增加雙行夾注 (#109)
[elreq] A switch for wordspace to space & vice-versa would be useful (#117)
[elreq] new commits pushed by r12a
[i18n-activity] [css-content] Quote character choice must depend on surrounding language, not language of the quotation (#969)
[i18n-activity] [css-fonts-4] font kerning in vertical text (#939)
[i18n-activity] [css-fonts-4] font kerning in vertical text (#942)
[i18n-activity] [css-fonts-4] font kerning in vertical text (#944)
[i18n-activity] [css-inline-3] Ascent and Descent Metrics in vertical flow (#958)
[i18n-activity] [css-logical-1] Order of inheritance vs. mapping in logical properties (#972)
[i18n-activity] [css-text-3] Ogham Space Mark needs to disappear at the end of a line (#899)
[i18n-activity] [css-text-3] Should enclosed counting rods / tai xuan jing / yi jing hexagrams be space-discarding? (#889)
[i18n-activity] [css-text-3] Should enclosed ideographic blocks be space-discarding? (#890)
[i18n-activity] [css-text] Add new CSS text-transform values for math (#659)
[i18n-activity] [css-text] All IN characters? (#747)
[i18n-activity] [css-text] Allow alias for language hyphenation (#937)
[i18n-activity] [css-text] letter-spacing should not apply to the end edge of a line/span? (#940)
[i18n-activity] [css-text] letter-spacing should not apply to the end edge of a line/span? (#943)
[i18n-activity] [css-text] letter-spacing should not apply to the end edge of a line/span? (#945)
[i18n-activity] [css-text] Please consider adding a text-stroke-linejoin (to lighten up fonts, etc) (#963)
[i18n-activity] [css-text] text-transform's design, intent and reality resolution (#667)
[i18n-activity] [csswg-drafts] [css-logical] Flow-relative syntax for `margin`-like shorthands #1282 (#611)
[i18n-activity] AccName trims whitespace but doesn't define which code points are whitespace (#973)
[i18n-activity] Add &nnbsp; entity for U+202F (#955)
[i18n-activity] Add 'none' value to line-break for traditional Chinese (#221)
[i18n-activity] Add autocorrect content attribute to HTMLElement (#967)
[i18n-activity] Add Internationalization Considerations section (#974)
[i18n-activity] Added find-in-page definitions (#952)
[i18n-activity] ARIA Practices advice for left/right keys (e.g. horizontal slider) does not take into account right-to-left (RTL) languages like Arabic and Hebrew. (#938)
[i18n-activity] auto value of the dir attribute? (#947)
[i18n-activity] auto value of the dir member (#946)
[i18n-activity] Clarify language tag values (#966)
[i18n-activity] Clarify the input profile name string (#949)
[i18n-activity] Consider adding a persona "Immigrant with poor language skills" (#950)
[i18n-activity] Default styling for q element #3636 (#571)
[i18n-activity] Editorial: clarify when/how 'auto' is applied (#951)
[i18n-activity] Fix #4562: add support for internationalized email addresses (#954)
[i18n-activity] Having names of users from various cultural backgrounds (#956)
[i18n-activity] i18n review and planning for the i18n section of the packaging spec (#948)
[i18n-activity] I18N Self-Review (#968)
[i18n-activity] ignoring @charset (editorial nit) (#978)
[i18n-activity] Improper use of languageCode (#214)
[i18n-activity] Input profile name generation and normalization rules incomplete (#953)
[i18n-activity] Internationalization review (#971)
[i18n-activity] Is there a proposal for the date range for input? (#976)
[i18n-activity] Make it clear that scalabilityMode is case-sensitive (#884)
[i18n-activity] Modernize the lreq template (#961)
[i18n-activity] new commits pushed by r12a
- r12a via GitHub (Friday, 21 August)
- r12a via GitHub (Friday, 21 August)
- r12a via GitHub (Wednesday, 19 August)
- r12a via GitHub (Wednesday, 19 August)
- r12a via GitHub (Tuesday, 18 August)
- r12a via GitHub (Monday, 17 August)
- r12a via GitHub (Monday, 17 August)
- r12a via GitHub (Monday, 17 August)
- r12a via GitHub (Monday, 17 August)
- r12a via GitHub (Monday, 17 August)
- r12a via GitHub (Monday, 17 August)
- r12a via GitHub (Monday, 17 August)
- r12a via GitHub (Monday, 17 August)
- r12a via GitHub (Wednesday, 15 July)
- r12a via GitHub (Thursday, 9 July)
[i18n-activity] new commits pushed by xfq
[i18n-activity] Prevent the use of currency synonyms (#212)
[i18n-activity] Provide a reference to language tags as the key means to achieve the goal of unambigous text formatting (#957)
[i18n-activity] Provide guidance for working with local language experts (#965)
[i18n-activity] Providing alternative breaking behaviours for Ethiopic (#845)
[i18n-activity] Pull Request: Fix README links
[i18n-activity] Pull Request: http -> https
[i18n-activity] Pull Request: Modernize the lreq template
[i18n-activity] Pull Request: Put back Fuqiao's edit
[i18n-activity] Remove hasEnrolledInstrument() from version 1.0 (#975)
[i18n-activity] Remove quotes UA rendering section. (#970)
[i18n-activity] Ruby is not an appropriate mechanism for managing speech data (#799)
[i18n-activity] suggest alternative text for description of GeolocationPositionError.message attribute (#941)
[i18n-activity] Support Japanese phonetic names to `autocomplete` attribute (#959)
[i18n-activity] updated link from http: to https: for w3.org, w3c.github.io (#830)
[i18n-activity] Use logical properties in examples (#977)
[i18n-drafts] [articles/definitions-time/index] (#98)
[i18n-drafts] [articles/inline-bidi-markup/index] Mirroring example (#59)
[i18n-drafts] [articles/ruby/markup] Are there uses for <ruby> that don't involve language annotations? (#265)
[i18n-drafts] [articles/ruby/markup] Zhuyin & pinyin image substitution (#75)
[i18n-drafts] [French] Update “Personal names around the world” (#262)
[i18n-drafts] [questions/qa-floating-times] (#99)
[i18n-drafts] [questions/qa-floating-times] example typo? (#110)
[i18n-drafts] [questions/qa-floating-times] Review comments (#100)
[i18n-drafts] [questions/qa-forms-utf-8] (#90)
[i18n-drafts] [questions/qa-forms-utf-8] Translation request (#187)
[i18n-drafts] [questions/qa-http-and-lang] (#135)
[i18n-drafts] [questions/qa-personal-names] (#102)
[i18n-drafts] [questions/qa-personal-names] Additional translation needed (#261)
[i18n-drafts] [questions/qa-personal-names] Honorific for women in Spanish (#253)
[i18n-drafts] [questions/qa-personal-names] more on titles? (#255)
[i18n-drafts] [questions/qa-personal-names] The order of Russian names is slightly wrong (#236)
[i18n-drafts] [techniques/authoring-html] Broken links to tests (#122)
[i18n-drafts] [techniques/authoring-html] Make the text in the <summary> elements not selectable? (#123)
[i18n-drafts] [techniques/authoring-html] Update a few links (#258)
[i18n-drafts] Add guideline about requiring titles (#256)
[i18n-drafts] could not use an html tag around Arabic character (#112)
[i18n-drafts] Feedback on questions/qa-display-capabilities (#3)
[i18n-drafts] HTML Translate Attribute with Expression Engine 3.5.10 (#230)
[i18n-drafts] Incorporate various suggested changes (#257)
[i18n-drafts] new commits pushed by r12a
- r12a via GitHub (Friday, 25 September)
- r12a via GitHub (Thursday, 24 September)
- r12a via GitHub (Tuesday, 8 September)
- r12a via GitHub (Tuesday, 8 September)
- r12a via GitHub (Monday, 7 September)
- r12a via GitHub (Monday, 7 September)
- r12a via GitHub (Monday, 7 September)
- r12a via GitHub (Monday, 7 September)
- r12a via GitHub (Monday, 7 September)
- r12a via GitHub (Monday, 7 September)
- r12a via GitHub (Monday, 7 September)
- r12a via GitHub (Monday, 7 September)
- r12a via GitHub (Friday, 4 September)
- r12a via GitHub (Friday, 4 September)
- r12a via GitHub (Friday, 4 September)
- r12a via GitHub (Thursday, 27 August)
- r12a via GitHub (Friday, 14 August)
- r12a via GitHub (Tuesday, 11 August)
- r12a via GitHub (Tuesday, 11 August)
- r12a via GitHub (Tuesday, 11 August)
- r12a via GitHub (Tuesday, 11 August)
- r12a via GitHub (Tuesday, 11 August)
- r12a via GitHub (Monday, 10 August)
- r12a via GitHub (Monday, 10 August)
- r12a via GitHub (Monday, 10 August)
- r12a via GitHub (Monday, 10 August)
- r12a via GitHub (Monday, 10 August)
- r12a via GitHub (Monday, 10 August)
- r12a via GitHub (Monday, 10 August)
- r12a via GitHub (Monday, 10 August)
- r12a via GitHub (Monday, 10 August)
- r12a via GitHub (Monday, 10 August)
- r12a via GitHub (Thursday, 6 August)
- r12a via GitHub (Wednesday, 5 August)
- r12a via GitHub (Wednesday, 5 August)
- r12a via GitHub (Wednesday, 22 July)
- r12a via GitHub (Friday, 3 July)
- r12a via GitHub (Friday, 3 July)
- r12a via GitHub (Wednesday, 1 July)
- r12a via GitHub (Wednesday, 1 July)
[i18n-drafts] Pull Request: [French] Update “Personal names around the world”
[i18n-drafts] Pull Request: [techniques/authoring-html] Update a few links
[i18n-drafts] Pull Request: Add guideline about requiring titles
[i18n-drafts] Pull Request: add qa-i18n.zh.html
[i18n-drafts] Pull Request: Incorporate various suggested changes
[i18n-drafts] Pull Request: Update index.en.html
[i18n-drafts] Pull Request: Update qa-forms-utf-8.en.html
[i18n-drafts] Pull Request: Update the link to the Document Review page
[i18n-drafts] qa-personal-names.en, added note for Filipino middle names (#126)
[i18n-drafts] Update index.en.html (#259)
[i18n-drafts] Update qa-forms-utf-8.en.html (#260)
[i18n-drafts] Wrong translation, please fix (#266)
[i18n-drafts] Xiānshēng & Xiānsheng (#264)
[iip] new commits pushed by r12a
[jlreq] [META] Reorganize character classes and its adoption of Unicode based definition (#240)
[jlreq] Add lang attribute to EDITING.md (#220)
[jlreq] Change the advice about linking to sections and figures (#221)
[jlreq] Double-sided ruby not displayed correctly (#176)
[jlreq] How to add ID to an element? (#154)
[jlreq] Japanese text rotated 90 degrees (#214)
[jlreq] Language switching doesn't work in the ED (#231)
- himorin / Atsushi Shimono via GitHub (Wednesday, 23 September)
- Fuqiao Xue via GitHub (Monday, 10 August)
- himorin / Atsushi Shimono via GitHub (Monday, 10 August)
- r12a via GitHub (Monday, 10 August)
- himorin / Atsushi Shimono via GitHub (Monday, 10 August)
- Fuqiao Xue via GitHub (Monday, 10 August)
- Fuqiao Xue via GitHub (Monday, 10 August)
- Yasuo Kida (木田泰夫) via GitHub (Monday, 10 August)
- himorin / Atsushi Shimono via GitHub (Sunday, 9 August)
- Fuqiao Xue via GitHub (Sunday, 9 August)
- himorin / Atsushi Shimono via GitHub (Sunday, 9 August)
- Fuqiao Xue via GitHub (Saturday, 8 August)
[jlreq] Make the language switching code more robust (#234)
[jlreq] Mention page size in the gap analysis? (#235)
[jlreq] modified WD -> WG-NOTE (#229)
[jlreq] new commits pushed by himorin
[jlreq] new commits pushed by r12a
[jlreq] new commits pushed by xfq
[jlreq] per w3c/respec#2838 (#225)
[jlreq] post release change (previous*) (#232)
[jlreq] Pre-release tasks for JLReq errata update (#141)
[jlreq] Pull Request: Add 'Related documents' to README
[jlreq] Pull Request: Add lang attribute to EDITING.md
[jlreq] Pull Request: added ECHIDNA file with PDF, PNG, local files
[jlreq] Pull Request: Change the advice about linking to sections and figures
[jlreq] Pull Request: Fixed dup Fig 84 cite in Japanese edition / n77
[jlreq] Pull Request: L10n fix
[jlreq] Pull Request: Make the language switching code more robust
[jlreq] Pull Request: modified WD -> WG-NOTE
[jlreq] Pull Request: per w3c/respec#2838
[jlreq] Pull Request: post release change (previous*)
[jlreq] Pull Request: removed link to index.html?lang=XX
[jlreq] Pull Request: Update the link to the Japanese version
[jlreq] Pull Request: updated .ai file for img3_1_6
[jlreq] Pull Request: Use Process 2020
[jlreq] Pull Request: Use the `group` configuration option
[jlreq] Pull Request: Use the respec-w3c profile
[jlreq] Remove the temp/ directory? (#219)
[jlreq] removed link to index.html?lang=XX (#224)
[jlreq] Two instances of "half-em" are used while majority usage is "half em" (#237)
[jlreq] Update source files for images of jlreq (#140)
[jlreq] Update URL when the language is switched (#236)
[jlreq] Use Process 2020 (#238)
[klreq] new commits pushed by r12a
[klreq] new commits pushed by xfq
[klreq] Pull Request: Add PR preview
[klreq] Pull Request: http -> https
[klreq] Pull Request: Update EDITING.md
[klreq] Pull Request: Use the `group` configuration option
[klreq] Pull Request: Use the respec-w3c profile
[klreq] Punctuation (#13)
[klreq] Style for counter in ordered list using Korean character. (#22)
[ltli] a.self styling not displaying (#8)
[ltli] Additional edits for flow, style, and consistency (#21)
[ltli] Address @r12a's structural comments. (#17)
[ltli] Address teleconference comments about 'locale' and 'data value' (#20)
[ltli] Clarification proposal about conformance (#10)
[ltli] Definition of Unicode Locale (#25)
[ltli] Do we need guidance on comparing language tags and the role of canonicalization? (#18)
[ltli] Editorial fixes (#5)
[ltli] new commits pushed by aphillips
[ltli] new commits pushed by fsasaki
[ltli] new commits pushed by r12a
[ltli] new commits pushed by xfq
[ltli] Pull Request: Add .pr-preview.json
[ltli] Pull Request: Additional edits for flow, style, and consistency
[ltli] Pull Request: Address @r12a's structural comments.
[ltli] Pull Request: Address teleconference comments about 'locale' and 'data value'
[ltli] Pull Request: Clarification proposal about conformance
[ltli] Pull Request: Editorial fixes
[ltli] Pull Request: Fix #8 (position of "self" reference link)
[ltli] Pull Request: Proposed editorial changes
[ltli] Pull Request: Responded to Mark Davis's comments (exchanged privately).
[ltli] Pull Request: Significant reorg.
[ltli] Pull Request: Update LTLI
[ltli] Pull Request: Use the `group` configuration option
[ltli] Pull Request: Use the respec-w3c profile
[ltli] Pull Request: Very small editorial nits
[ltli] Remove the localBiblio for LDML? (#13)
[ltli] Responded to Mark Davis's comments (exchanged privately). (#12)
[ltli] Review language-related guidanced in bp-i18n-specdev (#16)
[ltli] Significant reorg. (#22)
[ltli] Switch from RFC2119 to BCP14 (#7)
[ltli] thai buddhist calendar using the solar (#23)
[ltli] Update LTLI (#6)
[ltli] Use of HTTP Accept-Language header for a locale model. (#26)
[ltli] Use the `group` configuration option (#15)
[predefined-counter-styles] Add Meetei style (#27)
[predefined-counter-styles] Correction to the persian-alphabetic counter style (#23)
[predefined-counter-styles] description for greek counter (#17)
[predefined-counter-styles] new commits pushed by r12a
[predefined-counter-styles] New counting style proposal: cjk-stem-branch (#18)
[predefined-counter-styles] New counting style proposal: Ideographic counting mark (#19)
[predefined-counter-styles] Pull Request: Add clarification around lower-greek style usage
[predefined-counter-styles] Pull Request: Add Meetei style
[predefined-counter-styles] Pull Request: Add tally-mark
[predefined-counter-styles] Pull Request: Remove whitespace from ends of lines
[predefined-counter-styles] Pull Request: ReSpec fixes
[predefined-counter-styles] Remove whitespace from ends of lines (#28)
[predefined-counter-styles] ReSpec fixes (#26)
[tlreq] new commits pushed by r12a
[typography] new commits pushed by r12a
Closed: [charmod-norm] possible typos (#202)
Closed: [clreq] "Former editors" in the Chinese version is unchanged (#329)
Closed: [clreq] Add lang attribute to EDITING.md (#304)
Closed: [clreq] Broken link in the README (#322)
Closed: [clreq] Chinese translation of "trim size" (#298)
Closed: [clreq] English translation of 行距 (#297)
Closed: [clreq] Optimize the images (#332)
Closed: [clreq] Positioning of : and ; in Chinese (#295)
Closed: [clreq] Possible error in English translation (#292)
Closed: [clreq] Rewrite of Compression Rules for Punctuation Marks 标点符号的挤压 (#221)
Closed: [clreq] The English name of 省略号 (#312)
Closed: [clreq] The English of name of 省略号 (#312)
Closed: [clreq] 关于拼音的密排 (#291)
Closed: [clreq] 省略号的对齐 (#302)
Closed: [clreq] 破折号的垂直居中 (#310)
Closed: [clreq] 行高的基准点 (#299)
Closed: [i18n-activity] [css-color] Add note for text opacity applied to cursive scripts (#910)
Closed: [i18n-activity] [css-fonts-4] font kerning in vertical text (#942)
Closed: [i18n-activity] [css-fonts-4] font kerning in vertical text (#944)
Closed: [i18n-activity] [css-text] All IN characters? (#747)
Closed: [i18n-activity] [css-text] letter-spacing should not apply to the end edge of a line/span? (#943)
Closed: [i18n-activity] [css-text] letter-spacing should not apply to the end edge of a line/span? (#945)
Closed: [i18n-activity] [csswg-drafts] [css-logical] Flow-relative syntax for `margin`-like shorthands #1282 (#611)
Closed: [i18n-activity] Clarify the input profile name string (#949)
Closed: [i18n-activity] Input profile name generation and normalization rules incomplete (#953)
Closed: [i18n-activity] Make it clear that scalabilityMode is case-sensitive (#884)
Closed: [i18n-activity] Wording for application of base direction (#699)
Closed: [i18n-drafts] [articles/definitions-time/index] (#98)
Closed: [i18n-drafts] [articles/inline-bidi-markup/index] Mirroring example (#59)
Closed: [i18n-drafts] [articles/ruby/markup] Zhuyin & pinyin image substitution (#75)
Closed: [i18n-drafts] [questions/qa-css-charset] (#133)
Closed: [i18n-drafts] [questions/qa-floating-times] example typo? (#110)
Closed: [i18n-drafts] [questions/qa-forms-utf-8] (#90)
Closed: [i18n-drafts] [questions/qa-forms-utf-8] Translation request (#187)
Closed: [i18n-drafts] [questions/qa-html-language-declarations] (#69)
Closed: [i18n-drafts] [questions/qa-html-language-declarations] Armenian language? (#188)
Closed: [i18n-drafts] [questions/qa-http-and-lang] (#135)
Closed: [i18n-drafts] [questions/qa-lang-why] Use lang now (#65)
Closed: [i18n-drafts] [questions/qa-personal-names] (#102)
Closed: [i18n-drafts] [questions/qa-personal-names] Honorific for women in Spanish (#253)
Closed: [i18n-drafts] [questions/qa-personal-names] more on titles? (#255)
Closed: [i18n-drafts] [questions/qa-personal-names] The order of Russian names is slightly wrong (#236)
Closed: [i18n-drafts] [techniques/authoring-html] Broken links to tests (#122)
Closed: [i18n-drafts] [techniques/authoring-html] Make the text in the <summary> elements not selectable? (#123)
Closed: [i18n-drafts] could not use an html tag around Arabic character (#112)
Closed: [i18n-drafts] HTML Translate Attribute with Expression Engine 3.5.10 (#230)
Closed: [i18n-drafts] https://www.w3.org/International/articlelist is only partially translated (#205)
Closed: [i18n-drafts] Wrong translation, please fix (#266)
Closed: [jlreq] Add lang attribute to EDITING.md (#213)
Closed: [jlreq] Language switching doesn't work in the ED (#231)
Closed: [jlreq] Remove the temp/ directory? (#219)
Closed: [ltli] a.self styling not displaying (#8)
Closed: [predefined-counter-styles] description for greek counter (#17)
Closed: [predefined-counter-styles] New counting style proposal: cjk-stem-branch (#18)
Closed: [predefined-counter-styles] New counting style proposal: Ideographic counting mark (#19)
Last message date: Wednesday, 30 September 2020 14:45:48 UTC