from July 2014 by subject

404 Re: Comments on the Triple Patterns Fragments draft

[CfP] 6 ways for SemWeb developers to participate

Call for consensus on collection design (ISSUE-41)

Call for consensus on defining IRI template expansion (ISSUE-30)

Call for consensus on documenting how "errors" can be given an identifier and be reused (ISSUE-39)

Call for consensus on renaming "statusCodes" to "possibleStatus" and "StatusCodeDescription" to "Status" (ISSUE-27)

Call for consensus on renaming readonly/writeonly to readable/writeable (ISSUE-14)

Call for consensus: Do not introduce RetrieveResourceOperation (ISSUE-5) and remove other Operation types (ISSUE-11)

Comments on the Triple Patterns Fragments draft

Discovering Hydra API by dereferencing

Express "go to specific page" for a collection

Hydra generic servers

Introducing myself

Introduction and a question about JSON-LD

Is the term ApiDocumentation misleading (ISSUE-61) / was: RE: Specifying operations for instances

ISSUE-41 resolved

ISSUE-56: Date ranges / intervals for LDF

Live stream from the hypermedia panel discussion at API Craft on Monday 28th (tomorrow)

Moving forward with ISSUE-30 (IRI template expansion)

Please help with JSON-LD processing

Proposed resolution for ISSUE-64 (status codes)


Reconsidering template mappings

Representation of an empty indexed collection

Resolve ISSUE-14 by renaming readonly/writeonly to readable/writeable

Resolve ISSUE-27 by

Resolve ISSUE-39 by documenting how "errors" can be given an identifier and be reused

Resolved ISSUE-5 and ISSUE-11: Do not introduce RetrieveResourceOperation and remove other Operation types

Semantic Domination

Specifying operations for instances

Suggestion on URLs for triple pattern fragments

The path to standardization at W3C

Last message date: Thursday, 31 July 2014 22:58:00 UTC