Re: Introduction and a question about JSON-LD

Hi Markus,

Ok, I think I understand it now. However, would this be OK to do?


  "@context": "",

  "homeLocation": {

    "@id": "",

    "@type": "",

    "name": "Tilburg"



Because even if homeLocation and birthplace are different properties, they both actually are cities. And if this is OK, can I also state that by just passing a context file through the header on a 'normal' JSON response can make it valid JSON-LD, but just for the properties?

Regards, Dimitri

Verzonden: ‎vrijdag‎ ‎25‎ ‎juli‎ ‎2014 ‎19‎:‎46

Hi Dimitri,

On Thursday, July 24, 2014 12:36 PM, Dimitri van Hees wrote:
> I've been following this list for a few months now but have not yet
> been in the opportunity to introduce myself or contribute anything. As
> I have a question about JSON-LD, I think this might be the right time
> to do so ;-)

Great! Good to see you here :-)

> That said, it was time for me to actually start implementing this
> model in our own API's. For this purpose we created a demo API which
> represents our 26 employees, including birthdates, hometowns, hobbies,
> functions, education, etc. I want to add Hydra in the JSON-LD


> representation, HATEOAS in the JSON representation (does that sound
> reasonable by the way?)

Sounds a bit weird to me as HATEOAS is a description of what drives the application. I would say "add hypermedia controls to JSON" instead.

> and also provide an application/nquads
> representation to fetch the triples and load them into a triplestore
> one by one.
> After spending hours reading the documentation I still can't find what
> I'm doing wrong with the conversion to JSON-LD. I hope this list will
> help me out a little bit. Let's say I have this response (in real life
> this is valid JSON but my mail client sucks at the moment 😉):
> id: dimitri,
> givenName: Dimitri,
> additionalName: van,
> familyName: Hees,
> gender: male,
> birthplace: Nijmegen,
> residence: Tilburg
> As you might have noticed the properties are all except
> birthplace and residence. When converting this to JSON-LD I think I
> could say:
> @context: {
>   schema:,

>   givenName: {@id: schema:givenName},
>   addition…
>   birthplace: {@id: schema:City, @type: @id},
>   residence: {@id: schema:City, @type: @id},

These two mappings here are the problem. You map two properties, birthplace and residence to schema:City which isn't a property but a class. There's no property for birthplace in yet (I think it would make sense to propose one on For residence, you could use either schema:homeLocation or schema:workLocation.

> },
> @id:,

> givenName: Dimitri,
> additon…,
> birthplace: {
>   @id:

> },
> residence: {
>   @id:

> }
> The problem is that both birthplace and residence are being converted
> to City while they don't seem to be an actual 'City' anymore. When I
> add it to the valueobject itself:
> birthplace: {
>   @id:

>   @type:

> }
> then it works they way I'd expect. But I don't really understand why.
> Any thoughts?

Type coercion in the context only works for literals, i.e., simple strings. In other words, you can convert a simple string to an @id object by setting @type: @id or to a @value object with a @type by setting @type to the desired datatype in the context. Please not that you can NOT type nodes (@id objects) from within the context. You need to do so directly in the document itself. Node types and value types are treated differently. 


Markus Lanthaler

Received on Sunday, 27 July 2014 06:41:23 UTC