Call for consensus on collection design (ISSUE-41)

Hello everyone,

Over the past few weeks, we have debated the issues around collections and
seem to have found a solution that works for everyone. The proposal is to
introduce four new properties, namely hydra:collection (please note, not
*has*Collection as we don't use that style for any other property),
hydra:manages, hydra:subject, and hydra:object (hydra:property already
exists). These properties then allow to link collections to entities as

     "@id": "/alice",
     "collection": {
       "@id": "/alice/friends",
       "@type": "Collection",
       "manages": {
         "property": "schema:knows",
         "subject": "/alice"
... and in Turtle:

   </alice> hydra:collection </alice/friends> .
   </alice/friends> a hydra:Collection ;
       hydra:manages [
           hydra:property schema:knows ;
           hydra:subject </alice> .
       ] .

This serves as a call for consensus on the proposed solution. Before I
proceed with marking the issue as resolved and implementing the changes in
the spec, I would like to ask if
anyone has any concerns or objections against this proposal.

Please submit your comments by Wednesday, July 9th.


Markus Lanthaler

Received on Thursday, 3 July 2014 15:17:45 UTC