Re: 404 Re: Comments on the Triple Patterns Fragments draft

>> my interpretation of "no elements == doesn't exist" seems too much of a stretch.
> I think the core problem I have with this equation is that it is more
> aligned with the Closed World Assumption than with the Open one.

Side-note: triple pattern fragments always belong to a certain dataset,
so there is always a closed-world assumption at work.

But on the other hand, it is my opinion that the traditional SPARQL philosophy
ignores the open-world assumption too much indeed.
How meaningful are COUNT and NOT in an open world?
How meaningful is a finite resultset?
But that's a different story altogether :-)
Suffices to say that triple pattern fragments make federated querying easier,
or as Erik said, the client shouldn't care what server it is at, it just follows links.

> I am convinced that other means to improve performance can be designed,
> so that the server can provide the client with helpful information.

True, but the 404 was a very easy win;
none of the alternatives will be as light-weight
(but we shouldn't do it if people don't think it's a good idea).



Received on Wednesday, 30 July 2014 15:06:52 UTC