Re: Call for consensus on collection design (ISSUE-41)

Ruben Verborgh:
>> A question:
>> What about using
>>  "managesProperty": "schema:knows",
>>  "managesSubject": "/alice"
>> instead of
>>  "manages": {
>>    "property": "schema:knows",
>>    "subject": "/alice"
>>  }
> Only the latter has possibilities for easy extension with existing
> properties; the former requires inventing new properties for each
> step.

I am well aware of the importance of extension points. But how important
is this one? Is it worth the additional property and blank nodes (and a
little bit of additional structural complexity)?

> Plus, the "manages" object should be interpreted as a whole;
> only managesProperty / managesSubject isn't meaningful.

The same is true for "property" / "subject".


Received on Thursday, 3 July 2014 19:23:28 UTC