www-xml-schema-comments@w3.org from April to June 2001 by subject

"XML Schema defines fifteen facets which are listed in Appendix B"; I count 12 (6 in B1a and 6 in B1b).

'base' in 'restriction'

2001 PR double and floats.

[afo@zurich.ibm.com] Interpreting QName in XPath expression for <field> element

[www-xml-schema-comments] <none>

about entities when validate

All Group Limited

Ambiguity in Lists

Ambiguousness in regex

anyURI and xml:base

attribute definitions inside xsd:restriction?

Base64 -- do we really want/need line breaks every 76 cha racters?

Base64 -- do we really want/need line breaks every 76 characters?

Call For Review, XML Schema Proposed Recommendation: Review E nds 16 April 2001

comment on "zip" instances in Schema Primer

comments for XML Schema 20010330

Comments on 2 May XML Schema Primer

Comparing durations

confusing language in the XML Primer

confusing numbering in Part 1 Of Schema Structures

confusing table entries in XML Primer table

Constraint within XML-Schema

Content models differ syntactically but not (?) semantically

Converting REC-xmlschema-1-20010502 to PDF

correction in section 2.8 example in XML Primer

CORRECTIONS: XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes [2001-03-30].

Derivation by restriction

DTD to Schema Converters

Element Locally Valid (Element)

Element Locally Valid (Type)


Email type

EMPTY inference rule typo

English syntax error in Part 1, paragraph 1.2 "Requirements"?

English syntax error in Part 2

English syntax error in Part 2?

Erratum for Schema part 2: wrong space

Erratum in Schema part 2: Remove request for comments

Erratum/Request for clarification on Regexp notation

error in section 2.8 of XML Primer

error in the xmlschema.xsd

Extension of Enumerations

Extension of Simple Types

Extensions of Enumerations

float/double :conversion from lexical space to value space

Formal Description comments

Forward reference to <: relation

Fundamental facet: ordered


gYearMonth, gYear... etc.

How to get translation from tableDDL statment to Schema exemples!??

Howto: Enforce unique attribute

improved wording in Schema primer

inaccurate statement in Schema Primer

Lexical space Vs Value space

Limited XPath possibilities for fields in identity constraints

List itemTypes

minInclusive and minExclusive

Multiple includes/imports that are circular

Normative status of XML primer?

Objection to hexBinary and base64Binary

one more question about xpath & Schema

Part 2: Datatypes

Pattern facet for ENTITIES, IDREFS and NMTOKENS

potential erratum in XML Schema Primer

problem with the "Structures" DTD in appendix G of part 1; "Struc tures"?

Qualification, inheritance and import



question about schema

question about unique and xpath


rdf schemas 4 XML-Info, PSVI, & Schema components

Relative URI References in wildcards

Review of XML Schema: Formal Description

revised wording in Part 1 of Schema specification

Schema changes for absent, empty, and nil special values

Schema Primer omissions

section of XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes

Should finalDefault allow list and union?

something amiss?

Spec issue in Particle Derivation OK (All/Choice/Sequence:Any -- NSRecurseCheckCardinality)

Spec issue with pointless occurrences of <sequence>, <choice> or <all>

Specifying Datatype Atoms in Regular Expressions

spelling corrections for XML Schema 20010330

suggestion for Table 3 in Schema Primer

suggestions for XML Schema 20010330

Syntax for group

Target Namespaces & Unqualified Locals (Section 3.1 of the primer)

Thank you for the divs!

The Info You Requested 314

Transcription/Translation Services!!!!

treatment of the annotation in the restrintion, list or union

two typos in Part 1

Typo in "bounded" definition in Schemas Datatype Recom...

Typo in Canonical Rrepresentation

Typo in Example

Typo in Part 2: Lexical representation

Typo in section 3.2.17 of datatypes spec

Typo in Structures Identity-constraint Definitions (XML Representation) 3.11.2

valid settings for use="..." on <attribute>s in <complexType>s derived by restriction

variation in restrictions related to use of "ref" in XML Schema Part 1

WD-xmlschema-formal-20010320: "XML Schema: Formal Description "

WD-xmlschema-formal-20010320: "XML Schema: Formal Description"

What exactly is a pattern facet for a list datatype?

XML Representation for Notations - Public Identifiers and anyURI

XML Representation summary for <group>

XML Schema - RDF Schema integration

XML Schema and inheritance

XML Schema context sensitive?

XML Schema Datatype: unanswered questions.

XML Schema datatypes: NaN, lists of union types, [NEL], misce lla neous editorial

XML Schema datatypes: NaN, lists of union types, [NEL], miscella neous editorial

XML Schema Part 1-{any attributes with non-schema namespace}

XML Schema Part 1: Structures - Invalid Example

XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes

XML Schema primer example

XML Schema Quality Checker

XML Schema References

XML-schema + XSL

XMLSchema : SimpleType final has a problem... i think.

XMLSchema-2 (datatypes) namespaces

XSFD: * for anonymous components

XSFD: character data

XSFD: mapping from infoset

XSFD: processing model

XSFD: section 3.4 typo

XSFD: semantics of &

Last message date: Saturday, 30 June 2001 15:54:11 UTC