RE: XML Schema datatypes: NaN, lists of union types, [NEL], misce lla neous editorial

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Arnold, Curt []
> Sent:	Thursday, April 05, 2001 8:56 AM
> To:	''
> Subject:	FW: XML Schema datatypes: NaN, lists of union types, [NEL],
> misce 	lla	neous editorial
> Thanks for the clarification, but I do think on this point Section 2.5 is
> still unnecessarily misleading and inconsistent with the
> cos-list-of-atomic section that you referenced.  Sorry, I haven't
> lived with the document as long as you have so my comments were based
> strictly on the prose.  I glad that the intent was not to bar lists of
> unions.
> "list datatypes are always derived. The value space of a list datatype is
> a set of finite-length sequences of atomic values."
Thanx Curt.  You were right in your initial message, there were several
sections that did not get updated when we added the ability to have lists of
unions (as reflected in the constraint on schema which henry refered to [1])
and hence the spec is inconsistent on these points.

We will add that to the list of {typ,think}os that need to be corrected.

Received on Thursday, 5 April 2001 17:43:44 UTC