xmlschema-dev@w3.org from April 2002 by subject

[ANN] MSXML 4.0 SP 1 Now Available

[Fwd: [Fwd: Schema Design: Composition vs Subclassing]]

[Gml30.rwg] RE: [RESEND] Derivation by restriction

[Moderator Action] About the schema for schema........

[Moderator Action] ambigous string

[Moderator Action] Date type and patterns

[RESEND] Derivation by restriction

[Schematron-love-in] Is it possible to write a schematron rule which validate the number of occurence of a list ?

[xml-dev] which xml schema tools do it right concerning including attributes xml:lang and xml:space

[xmlschema-dev] <none>

ANN: JARV driver for Xerces-2 XML Schema validator

ANNOUNCE: Translator from XSD regex syntax to Java regex syntax

Are Schema import statements transitive?

attribute declaration

Attribute Fixed and Prohibited

Attribute Problem!!

attribute required in base type/prohibited in derived type

can an attribute prohibited by restriction be added back through a subsequent extension?

Complex Type extension

Conditional processing im schema!!

conplexType with mixed="true" and no content.

Date type and patterns

Defining a New Construct


duplicate schemalocation keys

facets on anySimpleType

final on element declaration

Group elements???

Help me please

How can I create XML schema by code?


Interpretation of a choice element

Is anySimpleType a valid Simple Type Definition?

is it possible in a schema

Is name attribute essential in an attribute

is the best/only way to restrict the values of an attribute

Listing xmlArchitect on the XML Schema Tools page

Mixed Content + List?

Modelling Java Classes in XSD

Modifying XML Instance Document From A Schema Validation

Multiple inheritence in XML Schema

Need help with an XPath expression in XSLT

parsing a xml file against the schema

Please help

Pls do the need full

Problem with UNIQUE constraint

Prohibited Attributes and Attribute Wildcards

puzzling over use="prohibited"

Question on abstract element

Redefining the same document multiple times through different include paths

reference to root element

Regular expression library

Renaming elements???

Resend: Re: Schema Design: Composition vs Subclassing

Restricting a union? was RE: Schema for schemas bugs?

Schema Design: Composition vs Subclassing

Schema for schemas bugs?

Schema for validate an auto-generated file with ADO

schema processors

Schema reader

schema validation error

Selector Clarification

Specify XML Schema Manually

The usage of nillable

Typos in schema definition

union of a union legal?

Unions and Enumerations

uniqueness question

Usage of compositors and groups

validation problem with xerces 2

validation tools

validator crash during target reading

W3C xml.xsd schema

XML and XSD from a string in java

XML Schema built in simple type definition location

XML Schema for SAP IDOC mbgmcr02

XML Schema validation using XERCES

XML Schema validation using XERCES --- the correct mailing list to get this question answered...

XMLSchema visualization

xmlspy validation bug with cos-element-consistent

xs:all - why is minOccurs, maxOccurs restricted to "0" or "1" for child xs:element ?

xs:choice problem

xs:import question

XSDs from www.heml.org

Last message date: Tuesday, 30 April 2002 09:50:41 UTC