RE: [RESEND] Derivation by restriction

Roger - your first comment - 

"That is NOT how substitution groups were designed to be used." 

is partly correct.  I drew a slightly longer bow than I should have in my
The final step in my recipe [1] is /not/ required for use of substitution
Rather, it is a (valid) application of a particular design pattern.  

As has been explicit in many contributions to this list, the Rec instructs
that we treat substitution groups as extensible choice groups.  
Thus, all the derivation-by-restriction methods that are available with
choice groups are also avialable with subsitution groups.  

There is one significant gotcha: 

* if the ancestor type contains an explicit choice group, then derivation by
restriction can select any of these; 

* but if the ancestor type contains an implicit choice group, in form of a
substitution group head, then derivation by restriction can only select from
the subset of the members of the substitution group whose types are derived
/by restriction/ from the type of the head.  

We only recently discovered this problem with the GML schemas.  

Now you ask why we would bother doing this type derivation rather than just
leave it to the usage in the instance?  
The answer is that inheritance hierarchies can be traced by inspection of
type derivation chains in the schema, and that knowledge of these
hierarchies is potentially useful to a consuming application.  
The GML shemas, which rasied this problem, are being developed partly with
reference to an abstract model which is documented in UML.  
Conformance with this model is a desirable, almost mandatory, design goal. 
Furthermore, we are attempting to do this at the schema level rather than
just the instance level, since developers jumping off from where we leave
them are more likely to want to work with XSD than UML.  

[This mail represents part of a discussion of work in progress 
and should not be used for any purpose without my permission.] 
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> -----Original Message-----
> From: Roger L. Costello []
> Sent: Friday, 29 March 2002 9:23 PM
> To: Jeni Tennison
> Cc:;;
> Subject: Re: [RESEND] Derivation by restriction
> Thanks for keeping me honest Jeni.  I am eager to learn how 
> to use this
> design pattern!  I learn best when I can see a concrete 
> example, so how
> about considering this example:
> 1. I have an abstract Publication element.
> 2. I then create two elements, Book and Magazine, which are
> substitutable for Publication.
> 3. I have an element Catalogue whose contents is Publication.
> Here's are the declarations for the above:
> <xsd:element name="Publication" abstract="true" 
>              type="PublicationType"/>
> <xsd:element name="Book" substitutionGroup="Publication" 
>              type="BookType"/>
> <xsd:element name="Magazine" substitutionGroup="Publication" 
>              type="MagazineType"/>
> <xsd:element name="Catalogue">
>     <xsd:complexType>
>         <xsd:sequence>
>             <xsd:element ref="Publication" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
>         </xsd:sequence>
>     </xsd:complexType>
> </xsd:element>
> [I have omitted the complexType declarations for PublicationType,
> BookType, and MagazineType.  Assume the later two derive from the
> former.]
> As we know, given the above declarations an instance document 
> author is
> empowered to populate <Catalogue> with any element that is in the
> substitution group with Publication, e.g.,
> <Catalogue>
>     <Book> ... </Book>
>     <Magazine> ... </Magazine>
>     <Book> ... </Book>
> </Catalogue>
> Further, we know that this design pattern is very extensible - new
> elements may be added to the substitution group.
> Now let's examine the new design pattern.  As I understand 
> it, the first
> step is to embed the abstract element within a complexType, e.g.,
> <xsd:complexType name="PublicationContainer">
>     <xsd:sequence>
>         <xsd:element ref="Publication"/>
>     </xsd:sequence>
> </xsd:complexType>
> And then other complexTypes are created which restrict this type, by
> replacing the abstract element with a substitution group 
> element, e.g.,
> <xsd:complexType name="BookContainer">
>     <xsd:complexContent>
>         <xsd:restriction base="PublicationContainer">
>             <xsd:sequence>
>                 <xsd:element ref="Book/>
>             </xsd:sequence>
>         </xsd:restriction>
>     <xsd:complexContent>
> </xsd:complexType>
> As the next step I assume you would then declare Catalogue to 
> be of type
> PublicationContainer:
> <xsd:element name="Catalogue" type="PublicationContainer"/>
> Correct?
> What benefit is attained by doing this?  As I see it, in an instance
> document the contents of <Catalogue> must be elements that are
> substitutable for the abstract Publication element:
> <Catalogue>
>     <Book> ... </Book>
>     <Magazine> ... </Magazine>
>     <Book> ... </Book>
> </Catalogue>
> This is exactly what we had above, but achieved at a cost of an
> indirection.  Obviously there is some benefit that I am not 
> seeing. Can
> you explain the benefit that is gained by embedding the 
> elements (e.g.,
> Publication, Book) within a complexType?  Thanks!  /Roger
> Jeni Tennison wrote:
> > 
> > Hi Roger,
> > 
> > >> In our schemas we have a /lot/ of cases following a general
> > >> pattern:
> > >>
> > >> 1.  Declare an element to act as head of substitition group;
> > >> 2.  Declare non-abstract elements in the substitution group,
> > >> with a type derived from the type of the head by restriction;
> > >> 3.  Define a complex type which contains the abstract 
> head element;
> > >> 4.  Define a restriction of the container which specifies that
> > >> a particular concrete member element is present.
> > >>
> > >> This appears to be pretty much how substitution groups were
> > >> designed to be used.
> > >
> > > Simon, I respectfully disagree. That is NOT how 
> substitution groups
> > > were designed to be used. The intended purpose of substitution
> > > groups is to enable substitutability in **instance 
> documents**. You
> > > are attempting to perform substitution in the **schema**, which in
> > > the least is bad practice, if not outright incorrect (I need to
> > > check the spec on this).
> > 
> > It certainly isn't *incorrect*. When a validator checks whether a
> > derivation by restriction is valid, it substitutes any 
> particles that
> > are head elements of substitution groups with a choice model group
> > containing the head and members of the substitution group [1]. The
> > restriction is legal as long as it would have been a legal 
> restriction
> > if that choice group had been defined originally.
> > 
> > I don't know whether using substitution groups as Simon is was
> > *intended* or not, but it certainly seems to be a growing pattern of
> > use. As I see it, when you define the content model for a type, you
> > can set constraints on the elements in the content at three levels:
> > 
> >  - constrain their namespace (using xs:any)
> >  - constrain their type (using substitution groups)
> >  - constrain their name (using normal element particles)
> > 
> > All of these are potentially useful types of constraints. 
> And as I see
> > it, the constraints or lack of them can be useful both in 
> the instance
> > (as you describe) and in the type hierarchy within the schema (as
> > Simon described).
> > 
> > Putting it another way: when you define a common type, to act as an
> > ancestor for a number of types, the commonality between the types
> > might be of several kinds:
> > 
> >   - they might contain the same element(s)
> >   - they might have the same attribute(s)
> >   - they might be used by the same element(s)
> >   - they might contain element(s) that have the same type
> > 
> > Using substitution groups as Simon is reflects the latter kind of
> > commonality, where two types contain elements of the same type,
> > usually used in the same way.
> > 
> > Can you explain more about why you think that it's bad practice?
> > 
> > Cheers,
> > 
> > Jeni
> > 
> > [1]
> > 
> > ---
> > Jeni Tennison
> >

Received on Monday, 1 April 2002 00:42:39 UTC