RE: schema validation error

On Tue, 16 Apr 2002, Priscilla Walmsley wrote:

> I've seen this message before, when you are trying to restrict a simple 
> type to result in a complex type with simple content.  For example, if the 
> type for one of your elements looks like:
> ...
> It should really be:
> <xs:element name="EXT">
> 	<xs:simpleType>		
> 		<xs:restriction base="xs:integer">
> 			<xs:minExclusive value="1"/>
> 		</xs:restriction>
> 	</xs:simpleType>
> </xs:element>

thanks very much for your answer.

the above schema fragment seems to work but it misses an attribute
declaration. the relevant part of the original schema is as follows:

<xsd:element name = "EXT">
			<xsd:restriction base = "xsd:string">
				<xsd:maxLength value = "1024"/>
				<xsd:minLength value = "0"/>
				<xsd:attribute name = "IDREF" use = "required" type = "xsd:IDREF"/>

how do i add the attribute declaration to your schema fragment?

best regards,

Received on Wednesday, 17 April 2002 06:43:47 UTC