Re: [Moderator Action] ambigous string

"Tianzhi Yang" <> writes:

> Hi,
> Can anybody help?
> 1.
> Suppose there is a list of union. The only member of union is "string".
> .....
> <list>
> 	<simpleType>
> 		<union memberTypes="string"/>
> 	</simpleType>
> </list>
> .....
> No I get the following value:
> 	abc def
> Now should I look on it as a list consists of one string in which there
> is a space character or a list consists of two strings?

My reading is that lists _always_ break at whitespace, regardless of
their itemType.

> 2.
> What make it more complex is the following case:
> <list>
> 	<union memberTypes="int">
> 		<simpleType>
> 			<list itemType="string"/>
> 		</simpleType>
> 	</union>
> </list>
> and the value:
> 	11 ab 22 33
> No doubt I match 11 against int, ab against string. Now should I regard
> "22" as part of the string started with "ab" or a seperate "int"?

See above, so 'no', that's a 4 item list.

  Henry S. Thompson, HCRC Language Technology Group, University of Edinburgh
          W3C Fellow 1999--2002, part-time member of W3C Team
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Received on Thursday, 25 April 2002 16:36:33 UTC