Re: Schema for schemas bugs?

The issues with the  xsd4xsd in MSXML are, 


1. There were some confusion in the beginning about the usage of
anySimpleType. After some clarification, we allow anySimpleType as a
type name. However,  the spec also said "simple *ur-type definition*
<>  must not be
named as the *base type definition*
definition>  of any user-defined simple types: as it has no constraining
facets, this would be incoherent." So, how are all the primitive data
types have restriction facets on anySimpleType. Spes does not say how it
allows it. Do we have to special-case all primitive dataType as
restrict-able from anySimpleType exclusive to for parsing xsd4xsd (for
such confusing issue, spec should implicit about how to approach it.)?

3. Explicit declaration such as
xmlns:xml= is now allowed by the
namespace spec. It is explicitly stated in the xml spec that xml:lang
( is a special
attribute to allow language specification in XML, it need not xmlns:xml




'xmlns:' NCName


NSC: Leading "XML"
ed>  ]

Namespace Constraint: Leading "XML"
Prefixes beginning with the three-letter sequence x, m, l, in any case
combination, are reserved for use by XML and XML-related specifications.

4. should remove the trailing space in version [version="Id:
XMLSchema.xsd,v 1.48 2001/04/24 18:56:39 ht Exp "]. Because it is typed
as toke, which cannot have trailing space.

5. Some group reference that already mentioned in other threads.


Received on Monday, 22 April 2002 17:22:11 UTC