[cc] Implementation Report Plan updated - 15 July 2010 (was Re: CCXML 1.0 is published as a Candidate Recommendation)
[SCXML] Feedback
[scxml] Possible inconsistency in SCXML specification Appendix E1
[voicexml30] 7th WD of VoiceXML 3.0 has been published
[webontv] Summary of the W3C Web on TV Workshop
April 2010 CCXML's DTD is broken - ISSUE-668
April CCXML 7_3: required property reason in dialog.terminatetransfer [cc] ISSUE-717
April CCXML 9_2_3_B: handling of invalid event name in <send> [cc] ISSUE-719
April CCXML, 7_1: attribute enctype used with the value of the method "post" in <dialogprepare> - ISSUE-710 [cc]
April CCXML, 7_2: combination of attributes in <dialogstart>
April CCXML, 7_2: combination of attributes in <dialogstart> - ISSUE-724
April CCXML: 3 bugs in 7_1.txml - [cc] ISSUE-697
April CCXML: 3 errors in 10_5_7_A.txml - [cc] ISSUE-703
April CCXML: 3 problems w/7_5.txml - [cc] ISSUE-706
April CCXML: 4 issues w/7_2.txml - ISSUE-705 [cc]
April CCXML: <fetch> clarification [cc] ISSUE-718
April CCXML: attribute 'id' of the error.notallowed event - ISSUE-707 [cc]
April CCXML: Dialog properties inconsistency - [cc] ISSUE-682
April CCXML: format of the name attribute in <send> [cc] ISSUE-714
April CCXML: Number of connection.merged events
April CCXML: Number of connection.merged events - ISSUE-723
April CCXML: test case conflicts with ECMA rules - ISSUE-677
April CCXML: timeout in <dialogprepare> and <dialogstart> - [cc] ISSUE-716
attribute type error in 1 April 2010 CCXML - ISSUE-669
CCXML Implementation Report: asserts 714 and 715 - ISSUE-670
CCXML specification: Application variables - ISSUE-674
CCXML specification: typo in Appendix K.3 - ISSUE-675
CCXML: comment on ISSUE-729
CCXML: comment on ISSUE-732
CCXML: comment on ISSUE-737
CCXML: dialog.transfer example incorrect?
CCXML: dialog.transfer example incorrect? - [cc] ISSUE-744
CCXML: problem with IR 8_3_B/dialog.vxml
CCXML: results of testing against July 2010 IR and our new Report!
CCXML: the 15 July 2010 Implementation Report
CCXML: VoiceXML dialog.transfer.complete's result type incorrect?
CCXML: VoiceXML dialog.transfer.complete's result type incorrect? - [cc] ISSUE-743
Dialog and Connection semantic error handling [cc] ISSUE-692
ISSUE-730: PUBLIC - CR - July CCXML Implementation Report: 7_2: attribute enctype used with the value of the method "get" in <dialogstart> [CCXML]
July CCXML Implementation Report: 'dialog.user.test' missing required attributes in 7_2
July CCXML Implementation Report: 'dialog.user.test' missing required attributes in 7_2 - ISSUE-729
July CCXML Implementation Report: 10_2_3: missing transition for connection.disconnected
July CCXML Implementation Report: 10_2_3: missing transition for connection.disconnected - should be 10_2_4
July CCXML Implementation Report: 10_2_3: missing transition for connection.disconnected - should be 10_2_4 - ISSUE-739
July CCXML Implementation Report: 10_5_7 and 10_5_8: invalid scripts with <join>
July CCXML Implementation Report: 10_5_7 and 10_5_8: invalid scripts with <join> - ISSUE-735
July CCXML Implementation Report: 10_5_7: improper error event used in <join>
July CCXML Implementation Report: 10_5_7: improper error event used in <join> - ISSUE-692
July CCXML Implementation Report: 10_5_7: improper error event used in <join> - ISSUE-745 (Was ISSUE-692)
July CCXML Implementation Report: 10_5_8: starting a dialog that is not joined to a connection or a conference
July CCXML Implementation Report: 10_5_8: starting a dialog that is not joined to a connection or a conference - ISSUE-736
July CCXML Implementation Report: 7_2: attribute enctype used with the value of the method "get" in <dialogstart>
July CCXML Implementation Report: 7_2: attribute enctype used with the value of the method "get" in <dialogstart> - ISSUE-710
July CCXML Implementation Report: 7_3: unhandled conference.unjoined
July CCXML Implementation Report: 7_3: unhandled conference.unjoined ISSUE-740
July CCXML Implementation Report: 8_2_2: invalid maxage value in <script>
July CCXML Implementation Report: 8_2_2: invalid maxage value in <script> - ISSUE-731
July CCXML Implementation Report: 8_2_3: how to handle error in loading static <script>
July CCXML Implementation Report: 8_2_3: how to handle error in loading static <script> - ISSUE-732
July CCXML Implementation Report: 9_1_B: 'error.494' event missing required attribute 'reason'
July CCXML Implementation Report: 9_1_B: 'error.494' event missing required attribute 'reason' - ISSUE-733
July CCXML Implementation Report: 9_2_3_B: improper error event used in <send>
July CCXML Implementation Report: 9_2_3_B: improper error event used in <send> - ISSUE-734
July CCXML Implementation Report: incorrect script version in 7_2
July CCXML Implementation Report: incorrect script version in 7_2 - ISSUE-726
July CCXML Implementation Report: invalid script 7_1_2.vxml
July CCXML Implementation Report: invalid script 7_1_2.vxml - ISSUE-728
July CCXML Implementation Report: L_A: eventsource in <send>
July CCXML Implementation Report: L_A: eventsource in <send> - ISSUE-738
July CCXML Implementation Report: missing 'var' in jumbo_test-ccxml-sample.xslt
July CCXML Implementation Report: missing 'var' in jumbo_test-ccxml-sample.xslt - ISSUE-727
July CCXML Implementation Report: missing var in L_A.txml
July CCXML Implementation Report: missing var in L_A.txml - ISSUE-737
July CCXML Implementation Report: number of connection.merged events
July CCXML Implementation Report: number of connection.merged events - ISSUE-723
July CCXML Implementation Report: script child_9.ccxml in 6_1not terminating
July CCXML Implementation Report: script child_9.ccxml in 6_1not terminating - ISSUE-725
Loquendo results for CCXML Implementation Report
OptimSys results of the CCXML Implementation report
Recommended addition to the April 2010 CCXML DTD - ISSUE-671 [cc]
Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML) 1.1 is a W3C Recommendation
SSML 1.1 is now a W3C Recommendation
Summary of the Voice Browser Working Group Face to Face Meeting, June 16-17, Somerset, NJ, USA
syntax error in CC XML dtd
syntax error in CCXML dtd
Last message date: Wednesday, 29 September 2010 18:22:06 UTC