Re: July CCXML Implementation Report: L_A: eventsource in <send> - ISSUE-738


Yes, your answers clarify the behavior.

 From my point of view the most important information is that any 
platform-generated attribute specified in the namelist must be ignored. 
This is not clear from the specification.


On 16.9.2010 14:37, RJ Auburn wrote:
> Petr:
> Comments are inline:
>> On Jul 26, 2010, at 9:53 AM, Petr Kuba wrote:
>>> Hello www-voice,
>>> in L_A, script L_A.ccxml contains the following code:
>>> 	<send name="'name'" targettype="'basichttp'"
>>> 		target="session.ioprocessors['createsession']"
>>> 		namelist="uri eventsource foo"/>
>>> I've got the following questions regarding the eventsource attribute:
>>> 1) eventsource is required standard attribute that must be present in each event. The question is who is responsible for generating this attribute in events sent using<send>? I assume that it is responsibility of the platform to generate this attribute because otherwise it would be necessary to insert eventsource into namelist in each<send>
> eventsource/eventsourcetype on<send/>  is added by the platform and if specified in the namelist is ignored. so no need for application to specify it.
>>> 2) What shall happen if namelist in<send>  contains some of the standard events attributes? Shall the value be replaced or shall an error event be thrown?
> on number 2, that only leaves "name" and "eventid" left.  the user can (and must) specify name, and the platform adds eventid and ignores it if specified in the namelist.
> Does this clarify the behavior for you? If so we will go on and close out the issue.
> Best regards,
> 	RJ
> ---
> RJ Auburn
> CTO, Voxeo Corporation
> tel:+1-407-418-1800
> skype:zscgeek

Received on Friday, 17 September 2010 08:48:17 UTC