!Reply! Help Wanted
A proposal for a new protocol
About MIME types
About URNs and Meta content
ACL workshop on anaphora: programme and call for registration
Are there any FAQ files for beginner ?
Authorization in Http 1.0
Authorization in Http 1.0 (fwd)
Badgett ind. inc.
Browser authentication
Building a search engine!!!!
CFP of NLPRS'97 & SNLP'97
CFP: Hyperproceedings of WWW6
collapseable documents
Do public Web search sites have APIs?
DTD Parser
embed tag
European WWW indexing coordination
Help with MS IE
Home page for PARC HTTP-NG project
HTML META & REL dictionary
I want to build a search engine...
IE4.0 and W3C Standards
IE4.0 and W3C Standards -Reply
- David Perrell (Thursday, 6 March)
- David Perrell (Wednesday, 5 March)
- Thomas Reardon (Wednesday, 5 March)
- Gavin Nicol (Wednesday, 5 March)
- Thomas Reardon (Wednesday, 5 March)
- Steven Champeon (Wednesday, 5 March)
- Mary Morris (Wednesday, 5 March)
- Drazen Kacar (Wednesday, 5 March)
- Erik Aronesty (Wednesday, 5 March)
- Jeff Wilde (Wednesday, 5 March)
IE4.0 and W3C Standards -Reply (fwd)
IE4.0 and W3C Standards -Reply -Reply
IE4.0 and W3C Standards [long, probably pointless]
IJCAI-97 Workshop on Ontologies and Multilingual NLP
invisible-but-printable markup ?
Is Your Web Site A Secret?
looking for info.
mime-type confusion
No Subject
Page redirection
Password Authentication on IIS
Perl for Win95
Postcript or RTF of RFC 2068??
print out html form from X-windows
Rebuttal: IE4.0 and W3C Standards
Search Engine Secrets
Search Engine Snafus
Test - please ignore it
Thanks everybody that helped me about my Search Engine!!!
Timezone analysis of IP addresses/Domain Name
Timezone analysis of IP addresses/Domain Names
Transparent content negotiation pointers & status
University regatta covered via Internet ELMAR 97
Upgrading the news URL
We need a META schema registry!
- Jon Knight (Wednesday, 2 April)
- Ralph R. Swick (Monday, 31 March)
- Andrew Daviel (Sunday, 30 March)
- Larry Masinter (Friday, 28 March)
- Dan Connolly (Friday, 28 March)
- James Whitescarver (Tuesday, 18 March)
- Michael Mealling (Tuesday, 18 March)
- William F. Hammond (Tuesday, 18 March)
- Nick Arnett (Tuesday, 18 March)
- Michael Mealling (Tuesday, 18 March)
- Manar Hussain (Tuesday, 18 March)
- Steven Champeon (Tuesday, 18 March)
- Benjamin Franz (Tuesday, 18 March)
- Renato Iannella (Tuesday, 18 March)
- Andreas Koenig (Tuesday, 18 March)
- Andrew Daviel (Tuesday, 18 March)
Web and URN
Webmaster Info-Mail
Who's queen?
Last message date: Tuesday, 29 April 1997 11:56:27 UTC