


7th International Conference on Theoretical and Methodological Issues
		   in Machine Translation (TMI-97)                    
                              July 23-26, 1997
                         Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA 

 The seventh conference in the now well-established TMI series will take 
 place in July 1997 in the historic city of Santa Fe, New Mexico. The 
 date will mark (roughly) the 50th anniversary of Warren Weaver's first
 ideas about MT, in a letter to Norbert Wiener and a meeting with Andrew 
 Booth: events which launched modern MT research. 

TMI-97 will have three major themes:

   -- Contributions should refer to an `old' paper (published before 
      1965) and show how it is still somewhat relevant to MT today... 

   -- Contributions should reflect on current trends in MT, especially 
      the move towards hybrid solutions involving both established and 
      novel techniques; we want to focus on particular problems and 
      trends rather than overall descriptions of existing systems 
      (focus on theoretical and methodological rather than 
      implementational issues)... 

   -- How is MT being integrated with new technologies and media, for 
      example delivery via the Internet, speech translation, MT as part 
      of document collection processing, MT and summarization, 
      information retrieval and extraction, multimodality and 
      multimedia,  etc. 

Submissions referring to the above themes are encouraged. However, submissions
on other theoretical and methodological issues will be considered as well.

TMI-97 Officers:

 General Chair: Sergei Nirenburg, Computing Research Lab, NMSU, USA 
 Program Committee Chair: Harold Somers, UMIST, Manchester, UK
 Publicity and Local Arrangements: Charlene Shepard and James Hamilton,
 Computing Research Lab, NMSU, USA 

Program Committee:

 Christian Boitet (Universit� de Grenoble)
 Lynn Carlson (US Department of Defense)
 Ido Dagan (Bar Ilan University, Israel)
 John Hutchins (University of East Anglia, UK)
 Victor Raskin (Purdue University, USA)
 Virginia Teller (CUNY, USA)
 Walther von Hahn (Universitat Hamburg, Germany)
 Dekai Wu (HKUST, Hong Kong)

Details on submissions and submission guidelines, and a Latex style file
can be found on the Web at There
you will find a style file and a model paper (for which you will also need
the separate example eps file). 

                          Important dates
          Paper submissions          February 17, 1997
          Acceptance notification    April 15, 1997
          Final copies due           June 2, 1997
          Conference dates           July 24-28, 1997

Fees and Schedules

 In progress. Please watch our web page for future announcements. 

Conference Site

 The conference meetings will be held on the campus of St. John's College 
 in Santa Fe. 


 Fort Marcy Hotel Suites have been selected as the primary conference 
 accommodations. The hotel is low-rise and consists of 1-, 2- and 
 3-bedroom air-conditioned suites, with one or two bathrooms, fully 
 equipped kitchens, living rooms equipped with TVs, video and CD players. 
 All the suites also feature fireplaces, though in July you will probably 
 not need them. We were able to negotiate favorable rates for the 
 participants of TMI-97. Final arrangements, which should be completed in
 the near future, will be published on the conference web page.

 Student level accommodations will also be available in the dormitories 
 at St. John's College.

Please visit the conference web site at for 
further details and conference information updates.

Received on Thursday, 6 March 1997 17:48:02 UTC