Re: invisible-but-printable markup ?

In article <v02110113af80d4704a98@[]>, (Tony Barry) wrote:
> At 12:44 PM 16/4/97, Andrew Daviel wrote:
> >Is it possible somehow to define markup that gets printed but not
> >normally displayed ?
> Use comments tags <!-- blah -->

I would recommend against using comments to hide markup. While
technically legal, something like <!-- <B>Hello</B> --> would
result in the text "Hello" being displayed, because some broken
browsers assume that the comment ended at the '>' after <B>.

And to "normally display" HTML tags, I presume you mean showing
the literal text "<B>". That is done with &lt;B&gt;.

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Received on Monday, 21 April 1997 13:58:56 UTC