Re: FW: IE4.0 and W3C Standards [long, probably pointless]

In message <>
          Chris Lilley <> wrote:

> On Mar 5,  2:03pm, Benjamin Franz wrote:
> > although this may not be what you meant to say. How many major
> > proposals from MS or NS have arrived with the 'we are already
> > implementing this in our browser' seal of approval? How many of those
> > were ultimately rejected by the W3C? I don't want to know what they
> > are: just the corpse count.
> Heh. You know I can't say, and that anyway "more than 10 and less than
> 100" would be horribly imprecise even if I were to say it.

As a matter of interest, why can't you say? Because you don't know,
or because the information is considered in some way confidential?


Tom Hughes (

Received on Thursday, 6 March 1997 14:17:17 UTC