Re: Perl for Win95

At 10:16 AM 3/17/97 +0100, Fabio Preda wrote:
>Hi all;
>I'm working on window95 platform and I need to write some
>cgi scripts for the Web server MS IIS.
>I'm looking for an already compiled PERL interpreter
>for window95, becouse at the moment, I have No C compiler
>for window95.
>(I know that PERL for window95 exists but it needs to be compiled)

Um, I don't think it needs to be compiled... Try the Win32
port at - I d/l'd the version for
WinNT and it works fine on my 95 laptop.


Steven Champeon                  !        I'll sleep
Web Guru/Intranet Builder        !       when I'm dead.             !         - Zevon

Received on Wednesday, 19 March 1997 10:14:13 UTC