Re: Timezone analysis of IP addresses/Domain Name wrote:
> Hi all,
> Does anyone have any ideas on how to find country or geographical info or
> timezone info for an arbitrary domain name or IP address?

You may benefit from the WWW Stats on the Marshall Procurement Server.

> I'm trying to see if it's possible to perform a timezone-based analysis of
> our Web server logs, to see the distribution of accesses by timezone (and
> hence country).  The Web server logs record either the IP address or the
> FQDN of the requesting machine.  I've already assumed that I can look at
> FQDNs with country codes at the end, and use that to determine which country
> the machine's in.
> First question: does anyone know where to find the official country code
> listings, and how to relate these to timezone, ie. GMT+n?

On the Marshall Page :

For information about Httpd Logfile Analysis Software, see :

Hope this helps,
Chris Clark

Received on Thursday, 13 March 1997 01:15:48 UTC