"computing and multiple impairments" a talk on special needs, the web and accessibility
[Fwd: Spinewire story]
[w3c-wai-eo] <none>
[webwatch] Web page testing
Access Excess: The ADA Goes Online
Accessibility Statement
Accessible sites
Agenda, EOWG Meeting, Friday May 12, 2000
Alt Text with Advertisements
Australian inquiry report released (fwd)
Broken search link from EO page
Change of address: peepo
Character entities in ALT text
conflict between alternate EO telecon and regular GL telecon
- Masafumi NAKANE (Tuesday, 18 April)
- Judy Brewer (Friday, 14 April)
- Charles McCathieNevile (Friday, 14 April)
- Alan Cantor (Friday, 14 April)
- Charles McCathieNevile (Friday, 14 April)
- Judy Brewer (Friday, 14 April)
- Alan Cantor (Friday, 14 April)
- Gregory J. Rosmaita (Thursday, 13 April)
- Harvey Bingham (Thursday, 13 April)
- Charles McCathieNevile (Thursday, 13 April)
- Charles McCathieNevile (Thursday, 13 April)
- geoff freed (Thursday, 13 April)
- Judy Brewer (Thursday, 13 April)
- Gregory J. Rosmaita (Wednesday, 5 April)
Contests [was: RE: Accessible sites]
Correction: Formal Review Levels
Debate on accessibility
Delay in IT accessibility standards expected
Details on other organisations
Draft - Universal Website Accessibility Policy - Version 4.0 - State of Connecticut
Draft EOWG charter renewal, for review & comment
Draft page on training approaches
EASI's Web Design Contest Winners
eEurope Action Lines and WAI
EOWG - surfing without a mouse
EOWG Agenda, Friday April 14, 2000
EOWG meeting this Friday, June 16 2000
EOWG: reaction on training pages
European conferences and EO face to face meeting
Evaluation tools page
Formal Review Levels
Fwd: Accessibility at upcoming Web design conference
Fwd: EASI's Web Design Contest Winners
Fwd: Kynn's Proposal on Implementation Plans (was: To stray or not stray...)
Fwd: Training page -- new draft, please comment
FYI: Section 508 Website & FOSE Event Documents
Georgia Tech statistics
Golden Dollar Interactive Map
Goodbye Graphics, Hello Gray Text
http://www.passcenter.com and http://www.idarts.com
Info for standards coordination
Judy's training page
Legislation and Policies on Information Systems Accessibility
Michigan Department of State -- Accessibility Information
minutes links updated
minutes of EO discussion of UA FAQ available
No EOWG meeting June 23 2000, postponed to 30th
Oops: Theatre
Plug from Nielsen
Policy monitoring
Policy Monitoring?
Private Passions - Kevin Carey
Process for Reviewing Websites
Reminder, EOWG meeting Friday May 26 2000
Reminder, EOWG meeting this Friday June 9 2000
Reminder, EOWG meeting this Friday, June 30 2000
Reminder, EOWG Meeting, Friday April 28, 2000
Reminder, WAI EOWG Meeting Friday April 14
Research Worker's review of WCAG
Review of Web Site Accessibility -- Planning
RNIB press release
something for the group to consider
Stab .96
Stab .98
Stab 0.99
Surfing without a mouse
The Master List
Training and certification
training doc
Training page -- new draft, please comment
- Judy Brewer (Friday, 9 June)
- Helle Bjarnø (Friday, 9 June)
- Judy Brewer (Friday, 9 June)
- Judy Brewer (Friday, 9 June)
- Judy Brewer (Thursday, 8 June)
- karl.hebenstreit@gsa.gov (Thursday, 8 June)
- Judy Brewer (Thursday, 8 June)
- Diana Persell (Thursday, 8 June)
- Sheela Sethuraman (Thursday, 8 June)
- Jonathan Chetwynd (Thursday, 8 June)
- Judy Brewer (Thursday, 8 June)
- Laurence Bergman (Thursday, 8 June)
- Kathleen Anderson (Thursday, 8 June)
- Jonathan Chetwynd (Thursday, 8 June)
- Judy Brewer (Thursday, 8 June)
- William Loughborough (Thursday, 8 June)
- Judy Brewer (Thursday, 8 June)
training pages
Training Resources
Upcoming event
Updated EOWG members list
User Agent Accessibility Guidelines FAQ task of EO
WAI Comments on U.S. Sec.508 NPRM available
WAI EO Minutes June 16 2000 teleconf
Web Access article
Webby Awards Judging Criteria
webcast: ADA and the Web
what it takes
WWW8 papers mentioning accessibility
技術情報! www.mepsoe.co.jp
Last message date: Friday, 30 June 2000 10:35:14 UTC