from November 2012 by subject

<title> Contents

[Content] - Compatibility Tables everywhere?

[Docs] SMW mechanics and Property:Page_Title / Template:Summary_Table_Body

[Telcon action] More detailed proposal for centralized feedback.

Acceptable media.

Adding EcmaScript Internationalization API to

Agenda: Community Telcon, 27-11-2012

batch import/editing?

Best time for a content architecture meeting?

Bug section in MWT for Doc Sprints?

bugs from today's content meeting

Catching up with content work on

Cleaning up existing editorial resources and adding new ones

Conference today: content architecture

Conference tomorrow: content architecture

Content architecture meeting this morning

Creating API pages


Doc Sprint 12-12-12 in Mountain View, California

Editor/proofreader request on html/elements/body

flag missing link targets?

HTML in markup.

list of unresolved xrefs?

meeting minutes re API doc structure conf-call

Minutes: Community Telcon, 27-11-2012

Missing Essentials

Open source the front-end on GitHub

problems moving API interfaces

Project Manager Role Description

Public TelCon Tomorrow, November 13th at standard time

Public TelCon Tomorrow, November 6th at standard time

Quoting W3C Specs on WPD

Scheduling a "Seminar" on our template system

Session bug (#19390) seems to be worse

Subpages overwhelms the content

task roadmap for content, infrastructure and styling tasks

Telcon action: Task management proposal

Telcon today?

Template Implementation Guide

Template limits and server loads

URL structure sanity check

Video training on WPD

Web design and UX concept pages

Web Platform DocSprint San Francisco Recap styling/UX/content analysis

Last message date: Friday, 30 November 2012 17:35:29 UTC