Re: HTML in markup.

On 18 Nov 2012, at 19:36, Doug Schepers <> wrote:

> Hi, Chris-
> On 11/18/12 5:53 AM, Chris Mills wrote:
>> Agree with Doug.
>> I think this is a bit of a red herring, and learning wiki markup is
>> pretty trivial really. I on;y use HTML markup in situations where the
>> wiki markup results in really crappy results. Like when dealing with
>> nested list items.
> What sort of problems with nested list items?
> I've made a guide for creating lists in wikitext, in case that helps:

Nice one Doug - this is a cool guide.

The problems arise when you are doing complex lists where you want a number of items inside each list item, e.g.

    <syntaxHighlight lang="html5">Code block
    code block line 2</syntaxHighlight>
    <p>Another paragraph</p>

This kind of thing is really messy and horrible to try to do in Wiki markup, comes out looking terrible. 

Received on Monday, 19 November 2012 14:46:52 UTC