Editor/proofreader request on html/elements/body

I'd like a editor/proofer and have the following questions regarding what I've done so far.


Meta:HTML/Elements/body and original MSDN article were merged in.

In the HTML Event Handler Content Attributes table, should the events link to (for example) /events/onblur or dom/events/blur ?

From the MSDN import, I moved what seemed appropriate into the correct fields. I updated the formatting on the tables under the Members subsection, but left that MSDN data in the Import Notes section, because my inclination was that that data belongs in dom/HTMLBodyElement.

I left the following tags:
+ Data Not Semantic: because of the imported data in Import Notes
+ Unreviewed Import: because the data in Import Notes needs to be reviewed and appropriately dealt with
+ Cleanup: because that data potentially needs to be cleaned up/out.

I strayed on the side of leaving more tags than removing them. If there's a more conforming way I should have tagged it, please let me know.

Every time an actual element was mentioned, I wrapped it in <code>. I'd like to update the Style Guide to be explicit about this, one way or the other. (My preference is to include the brackets on elements and wrap everything that makes sense in <code>, but I'd like direction on what is preferred.) Although, I ran into a bug: <code><div></code> is interpreted. (Filed bug 19849.)

    + Wow, HTML is an amazing markup language! (no <code>)
    + You always put the <code><body></code> element inside the <code><html></code> element.
    + Only sites with light background colors are legible.
    + I used <code>background-color: #222;</code> on my site because it's easier to read.

On a sidenote: I enjoyed the doc sprint today at Adobe and look forward to contributing further to the project.

Jacob Reiff / jaacob

Received on Sunday, 4 November 2012 23:03:06 UTC