from April 2024 by thread

Event Updated: RDF-star WG biweekly meeting Adrian Gschwend (W3C Calendar) (Tuesday, 30 April)

The singleton property option Niklas Lindström (Friday, 26 April)

Question on transformation of multiple triple reifier to single triple reifier Sasaki, Felix (Friday, 26 April)

My opinion of today on the profiles proposal Franconi Enrico (Thursday, 25 April)

The way forward Lassila, Ora (Thursday, 25 April)

An LPG multiedge reification use case Thomas Lörtsch (Tuesday, 23 April)

Understanding reifiers and edges Niklas Lindström (Tuesday, 23 April)

Different properties related to well-formedness Olaf Hartig (Tuesday, 23 April)

illegality of multiple reification Jos De Roo (UGent-imec) (Monday, 22 April)

Re: Adjusting the suggested RDF-star naming notation Niklas Lindström (Monday, 22 April)

This week's discussion Adrian Gschwend (Monday, 22 April)

Event Updated: RDF-star WG biweekly focused meeting Adrian Gschwend (W3C Calendar) (Monday, 22 April)

Is it even possible to align RDF with LPGs via reification? Luke VanderHart (Sunday, 21 April)

Community impressions Sasaki, Felix (Saturday, 20 April)

Suggestion reintroducing triple terms, dropping rdf:reifies Jerven Tjalling Bolleman (Friday, 19 April)

restrict rdf:reifies to many-to-one and use rdf:memberReifier to allow multi-set of triple-terms Souripriya Das (Thursday, 18 April)

proposal: a reifier should reify only one "thing" Pierre-Antoine Champin (Wednesday, 17 April)

Support for reified sets Luke VanderHart (Tuesday, 16 April)

Event Updated: RDF-star WG biweekly meeting Adrian Gschwend (W3C Calendar) (Tuesday, 16 April)

use of multi-valued rdf:reifies removes ability to annotate individual triple-patterns Souripriya Das (Sunday, 14 April)

Local community feedback on current proposal Sasaki, Felix (Sunday, 14 April)

Community input to current discussion Sasaki, Felix (Friday, 12 April)

LPG-RDF1.2 interoperability is already nontrivial due to weakness of LPG edge-property vs RDF1.2 statement-about-statement Souripriya Das (Thursday, 11 April)

Re: A few thoughts on RDF-star, Reification, and Labeled Property Graphs Lassila, Ora (Tuesday, 9 April)

Event Updated: RDF-star WG biweekly focused meeting Adrian Gschwend (W3C Calendar) (Tuesday, 9 April)

Event Updated: RDF-star WG biweekly focused meeting Adrian Gschwend (W3C Calendar) (Tuesday, 9 April)

Event Invitation: RDF-star WG biweekly focused meeting Pierre-Antoine Champin (W3C Calendar) (Tuesday, 9 April)

A few thoughts on RDF-star, Reification, and Labeled Property Graphs Lassila, Ora (Monday, 8 April)

Re: A single reifier can reify more than one triple term Ted Thibodeau Jr (Thursday, 4 April)

Regrets Lassila, Ora (Wednesday, 3 April)

Re: rdf:reifies many-to-many vs. many-to-one Andy Seaborne (Tuesday, 2 April)

Regrets X3 Erich Bremer (Tuesday, 2 April)

Event Updated: RDF-star WG biweekly meeting Adrian Gschwend (W3C Calendar) (Tuesday, 2 April)

Last message date: Tuesday, 30 April 2024 19:46:57 UTC